Workshop on Linguistics and Philosophy

Kyoto Workshop on linguistics and philosophy: Evidence and inference: the foundation of linguistics and philosophy

Place: Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics, Room 311, East Building (法経東館3階311教室)

(Building 5 on the map) The Entrance is on the south side.(正面玄関は建物の南側)

Time: October 31st 10:00-18:30, November 1st 10:00-18:30

October 31st


1. Izumi, Yuu (Kyoto University) Proper Names in Discourse Abstract

2. Fujikawa, Naoya (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Intentionality and Plurality Abstract

Lunch 12:00-13:00


3. Lukas, Rieser (Kyoto University) Pathways to evidentiality: Evidential Overtones of the Japanese Epistemic Particle no. Abstract

4. Tamura, Sanae (Hokkai Gakuen University) Evidence in Situation: a Semantic Analysis of Japanese yooda and rasii.


5.Miki, Nayuta (JSPS and Nihon University) Similarity and Modality Abstract

6.Otsuka, Jun (Kobe University) When less is more — A statistical Look at Levels of Explanation Abstract


7. Kennedy, Christopher (University of Chicago) Split scope and summative existentials: Two faces of bare quantification


November 1st


8. Yamada, Masahiro (Kyoto University) Honorifics in Dunan (Yonaguni Ryukyuan) Abstract

9. Shirata, Rihito (JSPS, University of Ryukyus) Evidentials in Kamikatetsu-Kikai Ryukyuan Abstract

Lunch 12:00-13:00


10. Ueyama, Ayumi (Kyushu University) and J.-R. Hayashishita (University of Otago) The computational system and semantic representations Abstract

11. Kaufmann、Magdalena (U. Connecticut and Kyoto University) Embedded imperatives in discourse Abstract


12. Kaufmann, Stefan (U. Connecticut and Kyoto University) Projecting strong presuppositions: The German particle 'ja'

13. Takubo, Yukinori (Kyoto University) Mapping among Spatial, Temporal and Conditional Domains Abstract


14. Hoji, Hajime (USC) Experiments in Language Faculty Science Abstract

このワークショップは科学研究費補助金基盤B (研究課題番号 23320085)の援助を受けています。