Team Bagel 'N Danish

Food Security in Bangladesh

Team Bangel 'N Danish consists of a group of Texas Tech students with a variety of majors and backgrounds. The team aims to work together to contribute data through OpenStreetMap in Bangladesh over the course of a semester while learning about the specific challenges the country is faced with.

Julia Kleine - Team Leader - I am currently studying Geosciences with an emphasis in Geophysics and a minor in GIS and mathematics. I first became interested in mapping for humanitarian causes when I attended a mapathon about a year ago. At the event I was introduced to how anyone can contribute to a great cause across the world simply by logging into their computer.

Emily Glaeser - I am an junior majoring in geography and minoring in GIS. I am from Austin, Texas. I am taking this class because I wanted to learn more about mapping and work more with the physical geography aspect of my major.

Ian Smith - I am an undergraduate senior working on a major in Conservation Science and a minor in GIS. I am from Olton, Tx and I am taking this class to make a difference in the world around me in the most constructive wa possible

Jaime McLaurin - I am an undergraduate senior studying for a Geography major with an Arabic and Geology minor. I am from Lubbock, Texas. I teamed up to map Bangladesh because global food insecurity is my main focus of study.

John Wells - I am an undergraduate senior studying Geography with minors in Math and GIS from Pflugerville, TX. I am in this Mapping without Borders class to further understand the world of mapping and what all that entails and am excited to be apart of a intiative to help those around the world through mapping.

Kirby Kissinger - I am an undergraduate, geography major and geology minor. I am from Mineral Wells, TX. I chose to take this course because I was told that we would be mapping on a public site and making a difference in the real world.

Ryan Jost - I am a senior undergraduate majoring in Geography and minoring in GIS at TTU. Originally from Houston, Texas.

Taylor Donowho - I am a senior undergrad majoring in Economics and minoring in GIS. I hail from Boerne, TX.