
This page is a project wiki for YouthMappers at Texas Tech University. YouthMappers is a network of chapters on university campuses dedicated to open mapping for resilience. Creators are Professor Patricia Solís and her undergraduate and graduate students of Geography Course 4320 at Texas Tech University, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, and Spring 2017.

As we learn and study about open mapping for resilience, we are creating a resource by and for university students around the world to discover more about how to make a difference through open geographic data and to define our world by mapping it. Please take a look at the syllabus, bibliography, and readings, and feel free to adapt them to your own classroom. Please direct any questions or tell us how you used this to Professor Solís at patricia.solis@ttu.edu.

This is an advanced undergraduate course open to graduate students at TTU. The goal of this class is to take advantage of the opportunity to learn about open mapping while gaining real-world experience in international development.


YouthMappers is funded by the US Agency for International Development and led by Texas Tech University, George Washington University, and West Virginia University.