Body, Movement, Brain, and Cognition Labolatory [English page]
Yoshihiro ITAGUCHI Ph. D.
[Researchmap] [Researchgate] [ORCID] [X (Twitter)]
Keio University Psychology department (Associate Professor)
Address: 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-8345
Tel: +81 03-5427-1215
Cognitive Neuropsychology, Human motor control and motor learning
Sensorimotor function of upper limb
Embodiment of tool, Re-embodiment in stroke patients, and Embodied cognition
Clinical rehabilitation for stroke patients
Interaction of body-movement-brain-cognition
Tool and body
Motor control and motor learning
For international students and Post-doc researchers (collaboration)!
JSPS (Japan society for the promotion science) offers various grants (2 months - 2 years) for excellent young researchers from overseas.
See for details.
Peer-reviewed papers
International journals
Gullsvåg M., Itaguchi Y., and Rodríguez-Aranda C. (2024) Breathing signatures of semantic and phonemic verbal fluency and their impact on test performance in a sample of young Norwegian adults, PLoS ONE 19(12): e0314908 . [LINK]
Kasegawa C.*, Itaguchi Y.*, Yamawaki Y., Miki M., Hayashi M., and Miyazaki M. (2024) Effects of within-day intervals on adaptation to visually induced motion sickness in a virtual-reality motorcycling simulator. Scientific Reports, 14, 21302 . *equally contributed. [LINK]
Muramatsu H., Itaguchi Y., Yamada C., Yoshizawa H., and Katsura S. (2024) Direct comparisons of upper-limb motor learning performance among three types of haptic guidance with non-assisted condition in spiral drawing task. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 32, 2545-2552 [LINK]
Umeda M, Takagi S, Daimon S, Itaguchi Y. (2024) Long-term practice of end-state comfort task for a patient with grasping deficits following left hemisphere stroke: using non-tool and pseudo-tool. Cognitive Rehabilitation, 29, 1-19. [LINK]
Umeno K. and Itaguchi Y. (2024) Bilateral vs unilateral motor imagery training: effects on motor execution performance and ERD, Advanced Robotics, 38(12), 837–848. [LINK]
Muramatsu H., Itaguchi Y., and Katsura S. (2022). Involuntary Stabilization in Discrete-Event Physical Human–Robot Interaction. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53, 576-587. [LINK]
Ando L. and Itaguchi Y. (2022) The heavier the arm, the higher the action: the effects of forearm-weight changes on reach-to-grasp movements. Experimental Brain Research, 240, 1515–1528. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y., Castro-Chavira SA, Waterloo K, Johnsen SH, Rodríguez-Aranda C. (2022) Evaluation of error production in animal fluency and its relationship to frontal tracts in normal aging and mild Alzheimer’s disease: A combined LDA and time-course analysis investigation. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13, 710938. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. (2021) Size perception bias and reach-to-grasp kinematics: An exploratory study on the virtual hand with a consumer immersive virtual-reality device. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2, 712378. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y., Suzuki Y., Yamada C., and Fukuzawa K. (2020) Visual feedback of finger writing in a patient with sensory aphasia: a case report and theoretical considerations. Neurocase, 27(1), 12-17. [LINK] [Supplementary file]
Itaguchi Y. (2020) Toward natural grasping with a tool: effects of practice and required accuracy on the kinematics of tool-use grasping. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123, 2024-2036. [LINK]
Sawada Y.*, Itaguchi Y.*, Hayashi M., Aigou K., Miyagi T., Miki M., Kimura T., Miyazaki M. (2020) Effects of synchronised engine sound and vibration presentation on visually induced motion sickness. Scientific Reports, 10, 7553. [LINK] *equally contributed.
Itaguchi Y., Yamada C., and Fukuzawa K. (2019) Writing in the air: facilitative effects of finger writing in older adults. PLOS ONE, 14(12): e0226832. [LINK]
Yamada C., Itaguchi Y., and Fukuzawa K. (2019) Effects of the amount of practice and time interval between practice sessions on the retention of internal models. PLOS ONE, 14(4): e0215331. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2019) Adaptive changes in automatic motor responses based on acquired visuomotor correspondence. Experimental Brain Research, 237(1), 147-159. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y., Sugimori E., and Fukuzawa K. (2018) Schizotypal traits and forearm motor control against self-other produced action in a bimanual unloading task. Neuropsychologia, 113, 43-51. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2018) Influence of speed and accuracy constraints on motor learning for a trajectory-based movement. Journal of Motor Behavior, 50, 653-663. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Kaneko F. (2018) Motor priming by movement observation with contralateral concurrent action execution. Human Movement Science, 57, 94-102. [LINK]
Nakayama M., Lupker S.J., and Itaguchi Y. (2018) An examination of L2-L1 noncognate translation priming in a lexical decision task: Insights from distributional and frequency-based analyses. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21 (2), 265-277. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y., Yamada C., Yoshihara M., and Fukuzawa K. (2017) Writing in the air: a visualization tool for written languages, PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0178735. [LINK]
Kaida K., Itaguchi Y., and Iwaki S. (2017) Interactive effects of visuomotor perturbation and an afternoon nap on performance and the flow experience. PLoS ONE, 12(2), e0171907. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y., Yamada C., and Fukuzawa K. (2015) Writing in the air: contributions of finger movement to cognitive processing. PLoS ONE, 10(6):e0128419. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2014) Hand-use and tool-use in grasping control. Experimental Brain Research, 232(11), 3613-3622. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2013) The effect of aborting ongoing movements on end point position estimation. Experimental Brain Research, 231(3), 341-350. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2012) The influence of the indicator arm on end point distribution in proprioceptive localization with multi-joint arms. Experimental Brain Research, 222(1), 77-88. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2012) Effects of arm stiffness and muscle effort on position reproduction error in the horizontal plane. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 114(3), 757-773. [LINK]
Japanese journals / Misc.
Nakashima M, Mori M, and Itaguchi Y. (2023) The emergence and non-emergence of the laws of isochrony and homothety for Japanese handwriting on a liquid crystal display tablet. The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 42(1), 38-46.
Ando L., Yoshioka M., Daimon S., and Itaguchi Y. (2023) Adaptive motor planning for arm-weight increase in hemiplegia patients. The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 42(1), 26-37.
Yamada C. and Itaguchi Y. (2022) Perception-cognition and motor control 5 ― Somatic sensation and motor control. Journal of Physical Therapy, 39(10), 927-936. [LINK] [Manuscript] [Japanese]
Daimon S., Noto S., and Itaguchi Y. (2021) Quantitative analyses on the performance of repeated verbal fluency tests using time and word frequency information. Higher Brain Function Research, 41(4), 387-396. [LINK]
Itaguchi Y. Mori M., Uchiyama Y., Yoshizawa H., Koike Y., and Fukuzawa K. (2019) Quantitative evaluation of writing disorder: spatiotemporal analysis using a tablet device. Higher Brain Function Research, 39(4), 436-443. [Japanese]
Itaguchi Y. (2019, May 31). Quantitative evaluation of position sense in patients with parietal lesion. PsyAxiv, [LINK (English translation)]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2019, May 31). Statistical problems and reality in Japanese neuropsychology studies. PsyAxiv, [LINK] [Japanese]
Yamada C., Itaguchi Y., and Fukuzawa K. (2017) The effect of visual feedback on writing slip. Proceedings of Applied Abstraction and Integrated Design, 1, 1-5. [PDF] [English]
Takemoto K., Katsura S., Itaguchi Y., Yoshizawa H., and Fukuzawa K. (2017) Consideration of effective element about motion training with robot. Proceedings of Applied Abstraction and Integrated Design, 1, 6-8.
Tani Y., Yamada C., Fukuzawa K, Katsura S., and Itaguchi Y. (2015) 3-Dimension analysis of human arm stiffness in reaching movement using arm robot. In Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE, 4591-4596. [English]
Itaguchi Y. and Fukuzawa K. (2015) Age-related changes in word recognition, word production, and lexical network. Japanese Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26(5), 541-549. [PDF] [Japanese]
Itaguchi Y., Fukui T., and Fukuzawa K. (2013) Anticipatory planning for the end state comfort in Parkinson’s disease. Higher Brain Function Research, 33(2), 228-235. [English-Abstract] [PDF] [Japanese]
Itaguchi Y. (2013) Bimaual loading task as a evaluation tool for sensorimotor functions of brain-damaged patients. Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University, 58: 109-122. [PDF] [English-Abstract, Methods, and Results] [Japanese]
Itaguchi Y., Yoshizawa H., Uchiyama Y., Muranishi S., and Fukuzawa K. (2012) Quantitative evaluation of position sense in patients with parietal lesion. Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology, 28(4), 274-282 [English-Abstract] [PDF] [Japanese]
Itaguchi Y. (2011) Position perception model based on the spring-like properties of muscles. Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University, 56: 157-159. [Japanese]
Curriculum vitae
2008.3 Waseda University (Psychology Course, Faculty of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, ), Bachelor degree
2010.3 Waseda University (Psychology Course, Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences), Master degree
2013.4 Waseda University (Psychology Course, Graduate School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences), Doctoral degree
Academic career
2013.4 Waseda University (Faculty of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Psychology Course), Research associate (-2015.3)
2015.4 AMED (Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development ), Associate researcher (-2016.3)
2015.4 Sapporo Medical University (School of Health Sciences, First Division of Physical Therapy), Postdoctoral researcher (-2016.12)
2015.4 Waseda University, Visiting researcher
2016.4 JSPS, Research fellow (PD) (-2018.9)
2017.1 Keio University (Dept. of System Design Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology), Visiting researcher (-2018.9)
2018.8 University of Tromsø (Dept. of psychology ), Visiting researcher (-2018.9)
2018.10 Shizuoka University (Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics), Assistant Professor (-2021.3)
2021.4 Keio University (Dept. of psychology), Assistant Professor (-2023.3)
2023.4 Keio University (Dept. of psychology), Associate Professor
Japanese Society of Neuropsychology
Japanese Society of Higher Brain Dysfunction
Japanese Psychonomic Society
Society for Neuroscience
Society for the Neural Control of Movement
Editorial Board Member
2023-present Scientific Reports
2024-present The Japanese Psychonomic Society