Eric Ayling

On Saturday 21st November, 2020, Eric Ayling was made a life member of the York Croquet Club. The presentation was made by our other life member, Pat McGregor, at a dinner for the club members.

Eric Ayling joined York Croquet Club soon after moving to York in December 2000. He initially played golf croquet (GC), but, after much badgering from Les Gibbney, tried his hand at Association Croquet (AC). Eric was quickly smitten with the AC bug.

Eric moved quickly through the ranks and has won, on at least one occasion, every open AC event on the croquet calendar. He has been club AC champion on numerous occasions as well as club golf champion. in 2006, he was selected for the State AC team, and has been a member of the team every year since. He is one of only 5 players in the history of the game in WA to have executed a sextuple peel in competition.

Eric is also an accredited coach and referee in both AC and GC. He also served for a time State AC Development Squad coach and was the State AC Coaching Director for 5 years. He is a member of the State Selection ad Match sub-committees.

At York Croquet Club, Eric has served as president (on 3 occasions), vice president and secretary. However, he regards the building of the new clubhouse, for which he served as project manager and "Trade Assistant", as his most significant achievement.