Lab Members

Peng Yao, Ph.D.

Principle Investigator, Associate Professor 

Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI), Department of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Rochester
 School of Medicine and Dentistry

Member of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology PhD Program, Cell Biology of Disease PhD Program, Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology & Physiology PhD Program, and T32 NIH Training Grant in Cellular, Biochemical & Molecular Sciences, URMC

Member of Center for RNA Biology, URMC

Member of Center for Biomedical Informatics, URMC

Postdoctoral Associates:

Debojyoti Das, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate (8/2023-present)

Research Interest: Investigate the interplay of translational control and RNA metabolism in cardiovascular disease and explore the mechanism of translational regulation in ECM remodeling

Graduate Students:

Uday Baliga, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate (4/2024-present)

Research Interest: Investigate translational control and mitochondria metabolism in cardiovascular disease and explore RNA metabolism in cardiac cells

Lindsey Wainwright, Ph.D. candidate (2nd year)

Graduate Student (URMC BMB Program, 3/2023-present)

Research Interest: Development of novel RNA delivery methods

Jack Lawrence Schwarts, Ph.D. candidate (1st year)

Graduate Student (URMC BMB Program, 5/2024-present; lab rotation during 1/2024-3/2024)

Research Interest: RNA secondary structure and uORF-mediated translational control

Lab Technicians:

Yui Kawakami (B.S.): Lab Technician (4/2024-present)

Undergraduate Student (UR Biochemistry, 9/2020-5/2024)

Research Interest: Animal genetics and cardiovascular disease; Neuron biology and brain diseases

Research Specialist: 

Jiali He (M.S.): Research Specialist (6/2024-present)

MS Student (UofS Neuron Science, 10/2020-5/2024)

Research Interest: Animal genetics and cardiovascular disease; Neuron biology and brain diseases

Former Lab Members:

Research Assistant Professor:

Jiangbin Wu (Ph.D.): Research Assistant Professor (9/2020-6/2023); Postdoctoral Associate (9/2016-9/2020)

Research Interest: Determine the Function of Mitochondrial Translation Regulatory Factor and Integrated Stress Response in Dilated Cardiomyopathy; Study the Function and Mechanism of EPRS in Cardiac Fibrosis 

Jiangbin has established his independent laboratory as a professor at Cardio. Disease Research Institute at Soochow University. He is currently studying protein homeostasis in cardiac disease.

Project Scientist:

Kadiam Venkata Chinna (Ph.D.): Postdoctoral Associate (11/2016-11/2020); Staff Scientist (11/2020-6/2022)

Research Interest: Understand the Function of  MicroRNA and Translation Elongation Factor in Cardiac Fibrosis

Venkata Chinna is currently working at the Scriptr Global start-up company as a research scientist on the development of novel RNA technology and therapeutics.

Postdoctoral Associates:

Eng Soon Khor, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate (12/2019-9/2023)

Research Interest: Study the Function of  Translation Initiation Factor in Cardiac Myocyte and Fibroblast in Heart Disease

Eng Soon is opening his independent laboratory at a Malaysia university. 

Madhuparna Pandit, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate (7/2023-12/2023)

Research Interest: Understand the Function of  mRNA processing during translational control of cardiac physiopathology

Pandit moved on to a cancer biology lab to pursue her goal of joining the industry in the near future.

Graduate Students:

Feng Jiang, Ph.D. 

Graduate Student (BMB Program, 4/2018-1/2024)

Research Interest: Cracking the Function of Translation Regulatory Factors at Initiation Step during Cell Cycle Progression and Heart Development

Feng is working as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Billy Jin Li's lab at Stanford University, studying ADAR-mediated RNA editing in auto-immune diseases, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders.

Omar Hedaya, Ph.D.

Graduate Student (BMB Program, 6/2018-11/2023)

Research Interest: The Role of RNA Helicase and 5'uORF in the Translation of Cardiomyocyte Transcription Factors

Omar is working as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Kevin Weeks's lab at University of North Carolina, developing novel chemical compound for labeling RNA structural elements for establishing new RNA-probing biotechnology and RNA therapeutics.

Lab Technicians:

Jared Hollinger: B.S. 

Lab Manager/Technician III (5/2021-4/2024

Research Interest: Protein expression, purification, biochemical characterization, and translational regulation of gene expression in cancer biology. 

Jared received offers from OSU and SUNY Upstate graduate school Ph.D. programs and will start his Ph.D. thesis research at OSU after the summer of 2024.

Matthew Auguste, B.S.

Undergraduate Student (UofR), Intern Student (9/2020-4/2023) 

Research Assistant/Lab technician (7/2023-4/2024)

Research Interest: Molecular cloning for RNA-binding protein domain mapping; Animal genetics for the cardiovascular system

Matt moved to the clinical department, working with pediatrics cardiologists for patient care for kids with congenital heart disease.

Virginia Aswad, B.S.

Undergraduate Student (RIT, 9/2020-5/2021), Lab Technician

Research Interest: RNA synthesis and manufacturing for agriculture and human patient care. She is currently working as a research technologist at GreenLight Biosciences company.

Jordan Rhen: Joint Lab Technician with Dr. Jinjiang Pang's lab

Jordan Rhen is currently working as lab manager in Cornell University.

Undergraduate Students:

Emily Bonanno, B.S. candidate

Undergraduate Student (UofR), Intern Student (9/2022-11/2023)

Research Interest: Biochemical characterizations of RNA and RNA-binding properties of translation factors

Emily is applying for MD program and aims at becoming a physician scientist.

Jordan Pappas: Undergraduate Student for Summer Internship (UofR, 7/2018-9/2018) 

Current: M.S., Graduate Student (Data Science, Business and Social Sciences, 08/2020-present)

Research Interest: Application of machine learning and deep learning models to U.S. hydraulic fracking industry trends and opioid involvement in unclassified drug overdoses.

Current Lab Members

Postdoctoral fellows: 

Debojyoti Das

Uday Baliga

Graduate students: 

Lindsey Wainwright

Jack Lawrence Schwartz

Lab Technicians:

Yui Kawakami

Research Specialists: 

Jiali He

Lab Alumni

Research Assistant Professor:

Jiangbin Wu

Staff Scientist:

Kadiam Chinna Venkata Subbaiah

Postdoctoral fellows:

EngSoon Khor

Madhuparna Pandit

Graduate students: 

Feng Jiang

Omar Hedaya

Lab Technicians:

Jared Hollinger

Matthew Auguste

Virginia Aswad

Jordan Rhen

Research Assistants:

Emily Bonnano

Jordan Pappas