Lab Pictures

Lab celebration party for Bin's leaving for China to establish his own lab on 5/16/2023 and Feng's NAR paper published on 5/2/2023!

Celebration Lunch Party for Omar and Feng on 5/17/2024 in Grappa Restaurant in College Town of the University of Rochester

Congratulations on Omar and Feng's graduation with their Ph.D. 

at the University of Rochester!!

Chinese New Year Party in CVRI_1/26/2017

Charlie CVRI party

Kornberg Medical Research Building (MRB, left)

Aab CVRI (MRBX, right)

The first CVRI Mixer Party in Charlie's House_5/20/2017

The third CVRI Mixer Party in Rustic Village_Gen&Peng Hosted_8/20/2017

CVRI Farewell Party for Dr. Jian Fu_10/15/2017

Have fun in RIT with my angle_12/10/2017

Three Transcription factors touching DNA_12/12/2017

We are working in Kornberg Medical Research Building (Aab CVRI and RNA Center)

Snowman in School of Medicine and Dentistry

Group photo in Lilac Festival

Group photo in Lilac Festival on May 17th 2018

Group photo in Lilac Festival on May 17th 2018

Lab photo in front of DNA double helix statue_5/17/2018

Lab photo in front of UR Medical Center Silver Clock_5/17/2018

Lab gathering in Beer Market_flushed faces

Lab gathering in Beer Market_flushed faces

Organizing and attending Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2019 in Cleveland Case campus 

                                                Darren Khor is working in the lab

Lab dinner party and cruise trip in August 2021

Feng Jiang, Omar Hedaya, and Jared Hollinger with Dr. Philip Sharp

Dr. Lynne Maquat received 2021 Wolf Award

Lab lunch for celebrating Venakta's JCI Insight publication!

Bowling game and lab celebration lunch for Bin's new professor position!

My Two Mentors

My Two Mentors (taken in SIBCB in 10/2016)

Left: Dr. En-Duo Wang (Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry & Cell Biology)

Middle: Dr. Lynne Maquat (University of Rochester Medical Center)