
Research Programs:

Function of Noncoding RNAs and RNA-binding Proteins (RBPs) in Heart Health and Disease and General Biology

Similar as human VEGFA RNA switch, we believe that protein-directed RNA switches exist in mammalian cells. Human RNA switches can regulate cardiac gene expression and promote CVD progression. On the other hand, miRNA, lncRNA and mRNA 3'UTR play critical roles in heart health, disease and medicine. We are now exploring the structure, function, mechanism and therapeutic potential of a variety of noncoding RNAs and RNA-binding proteins (e.g., PRRC2B, eIF4G2, etc.) in the heart (Nature 2009; Cell 2012; PLos Biology 2013; NAR 2017; CSBJ 2019; JCI Insight 2022; NAR 2023; Nature Communications 2023).  Learn more.

Novel Translational Control Factors in Cardiac Cells

"Serendipity" led us to discover a novel mitochondrial translational control factor that maintains translational homeostasis in the powerhouse of life (cardiac mitochondria). We are currently investigating the mechanisms by which it regulates the balance between cytosolic and mitochondrial translation. In addition, we are studying the function and mechanism of novel translation factors and their regulatory factors (e.g., PRRC2B, FAM210A, etc.) in general and in cardiac biology (EMBO MM 2021; Cardio. Res. 2023; NAR 2023).  Learn more.

EPRS and eIF5A Inhibitors as CVD Therapeutics

Discover new drugs or repurpose FDA-approved drugs that target protein translation for CVD treatment. We are working on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying a Chinese herbal medicine-derived chemical compound, halofuginone, in protecting the heart from cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis during pathological ventricular remodeling process in heart failure (Circ. Res. 2020; Cells 2024). We also found that eIF5A hypusination inhibitor ciclopirox (CPX) can be repurposed to treat cardiac fibrosis by inhibiting Pro-rich codon enriched protein synthesis (JCDD 2023). We are currently investigating the role of EPRS in regulating Pro-rich codon containing mRNA translation in cardiomyocytes and during Eprs conditional knockout induced spontaneous cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Learn more.

Development of RNA-based Drug to Treat Human Diseases

Design and develop novel translation-manipulating RNA-based drugs as a technology platform for human disease treatment. We are investigating novel mechanism of action of RNA-based therapeutics to direct regulation of mRNA translation. We received industrial funding from Novo Nordisk company to support this exciting research direction. We licensed our provisional patents to Empire Discovery Institute for boosting translational application of RNA biology and technology. We also obtained NIH funding to support our research on mRNA secondary structure and translational regulation (Nature Communications 2023). Learn more.