BMB Faculty Peng Yao co-organizes 2019 Rustbelt RNA Meeting

Post date: Dec 26, 2019 2:54:27 AM

Peng Yao, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, CVRI and a member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Graduate Program co-organized the 2019 Rustbelt RNA Meeting with Drs. Hua Lou and Jo Ann Wise of Case Western Reserve University. The conference, with approximately 400 attendees was held on October 25th & 26th, at Case Western University and featured 25 speakers, including a workshop on "Using CRISPR-Cas13 to target and detect RNA" by Dr. Mitch O’Connell and talk or poster presentations by laboratory members from the labs of Drs. Charles Thornton, Dragony Fu, and Peng Yao. BMB Students Omar Hedaya and Feng Jiang helped design and construct the meeting booklet and organize the meeting. The meeting was supported by the University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology and the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, among 19 other departments, 10 industrial vendors, and 5 journals/societies.

See Dept. of B&B web link:

and RRM2019 weblink:

UR trainees who presented a talk or poster at the 2019 RBR Meeting

Jenna M. Lentini (graduate student from Dragony Fu lab) gave a talk and won an outstanding presentation award for graduate students.

Kejia Zhang (graduate student from Dragony Fu lab) gave a poster presentation.

Matthew Tanner (graduate student from Charles Thornton lab) gave a poster presentation.

Kadiam C Venkata Subbaiah (postdoctoral fellow from Peng Yao lab) gave a talk.

Jiangbin Wu (postdoctoral fellow from Peng Yao lab) gave a poster presentation.