SMPS toolkit

***Please install Igor Pro first before you can run these programs.

Igor Pro 6.x download:

SMPS toolkit is a handy tool (Igor Pro based) to process SMPS data exported by TSI AIM software. Multiple files (*.csv; *.txt) can be imported at one time and then generate color plots and size distributions plots.

Running environment : Igor Pro 6.x, also works in Igor Pro 7

Please install Igor Pro first before you can run these programs.

"IGOR Pro is a scientific data analysis software, numerical computing environment and programming language that runs on Windows or Mac operating systems. It is developed by WaveMetrics Inc., and was originally aimed at time series analysis, but has since then evolved and covers other applications such as curve fitting and image processing. It comes with a fully functional programming language and compiler, but many functions are also accessible through menus. IGOR Pro is primarily known for its graphics capabilities, and like Origin and other similar programs, is often used to generate plots for scientific and other publications. "

Igor Pro Wikipedia page

Igor Pro 6.x download:

Cite as

WU, Cheng. (2017, November 20). SMPS Toolkit. Zenodo.

1) Tab for import

SMPS toolkit

2) File selection interface

3) After import, loaded files are shown in the list, a summary is given, including the sample number, size bins and time period.

4) In the second tab "Plot", a color plot is generated, fine controls can be made by the settings shown below, e.g. excluding outliers, optimize the color scale and time stamp label.

5) Select the plot option to "New window" to generate the figure in a separated window or save to a graph file.

6) You can copy and paste the figure in the new window to MS word, ppt easily .

7) In the "fit" tab, bimodal fitting (number, surface and mass) is applied to individual sample using the slider.

(click the graph below to see the animation)

SMPS toolkit WU Cheng

8) PM mass is also calculated by summing the mass size bins. The raw data are shown in blue dots (e.g. 3 min time resolution), the averaged data (e.g. hourly time resolution) are shown in red curve. The trend can be compared with a reference PM monitor (e.g. TEOM, beta gauge and SHARP).

Settings to adapt various data formats

trim time gap: It defines the length of missing timeline that can be recognized as a gap. If the the timeline is not continued, by default the image plot in Igor will fill the gap with the color before and after the gap. That form of presentation is kind of misleading. Instead, the missing part should be shown as blank (white in color). For example, say the scanning cycle interval is 300s and the trim time gap is set as 600s, then a data missing larger than 600s will be shown as blank rather than filling the gap with the color before and after the gap. So make sure this value is larger than the scanning cycle interval.