Histogram and Boxplot

***Please install Igor Pro first before you can run these programs.

Igor Pro 6.x download: https://www.wavemetrics.com/support/demos.htm

Download link (via zenodo):

HistBox is a handy tool to maximize the efficiency of data visualization in atmospheric science. Numerous existing generalized data visualization software had been widely used in the community, but a number of features are lacked to satisfy many specified research purposes in atmospheric science. That leads to the development of HistBox. HistBox is an Igor based toolkit that enable fast plotting for histogram and box plot with specific optimization for atmospheric science. Batch plotting and comprehensive data sorting, grouping and screening features ensure efficient data visualization.

A handy tool to generate histogram and box plots with many powerful features. Data can be sorted by different time scale and batch plotting is available.

The program also provides data averaging and alignment function which are common steps in atmospheric data processing. For example, data from the gas analyzer (1 min resolution,) needs to be averaged to 1 hr to accommodate hourly aerosol composition data (e.g. MARGA). Or data from different instrument have the same time resolution, but with a different discontinuous timeline. For this kind of situation, time stamps alignment are needed.

"IGOR Pro is a scientific data analysis software, numerical computing environment and programming language that runs on Windows or Mac operating systems. It is developed by WaveMetrics Inc., and was originally aimed at time series analysis, but has since then evolved and covers other applications such as curve fitting and image processing. It comes with a fully functional programming language and compiler, but many functions are also accessible through menus. IGOR Pro is primarily known for its graphics capabilities, and like Origin and other similar programs, is often used to generate plots for scientific and other publications. "

Igor Pro Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IGOR_Pro

Adoption in research publications:

Yin, C.*, Deng, X., Zou, Y., Solmon, F., Li, F., and Deng, T.: Trend analysis of surface ozone at suburban Guangzhou, China, Sci.Total.Environ., 695, 133880, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133880, 2019

Wu, C*., Wu, D., and Yu, J. Z*.: Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of Secondary Organic Carbon Using One‐Year of Hourly Organic and Elemental Carbon Data. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos, 124, 2774-2795 doi:10.1029/2018JD029290, 2019