Real-time OC/EC measurement

The Sampling Site


Measurement was conducted at Nancun (NC, 23° 0'11.82"N, 113°21'18.04"E) site at Panyu district of city Guangzhou.The field carbon analyzer was installed in an air-conditioned room on the third floor of a three stories building. As a suburban site 17 km away from downtown Guangzhou, NC site located in a mixed industrial –residential area. A unique feature of NC station is that it situated on the top of the highest peak (141 m ASL) in Guangzhou’s Panyu district, making this site less impacted by ground-level local emissions. It’s also worth noting that NC was located at the geographic center of PRD region. All the features makes NC a good location for representing the average atmospheric mixing characteristics in the PRD region.

Related Publication:

Wu, C., Wu, D., and Yu, J. Z.: Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of Secondary Organic Carbon Using One‐Year of Hourly Organic and Elemental Carbon Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124.