Benchtop Sunset ECOC analyzer data processor

***Please install Igor Pro first before you can run these programs.

Igor Pro 6.x download:

An Igor based program for processing benchtop Sunset™ ECOC analyzer data.

For instrumental information regarding to OC/EC analysis, read more at off line OC/EC analysis (Sunset vs. DRI)


1)Import and calculate multiple files at one time

2)User can browse thermographs easily

3)Correction for laser signal dependency on temperature

4)Option for premature split(Zeroed PC vs. Negative PC)

6) Assign manual split for individual sample

7) Calculate both TOT and TOR at the same time

8) More detail analysis info in output files (e.g. Calpeak height, laser min time, laser min value, EC ATN, PC ATN)

Example of output thermograph

Please install Igor Pro first before you can run these programs.

"IGOR Pro is a scientific data analysis software, numerical computing environment and programming language that runs on Windows or Mac operating systems. It is developed by WaveMetrics Inc., and was originally aimed at time series analysis, but has since then evolved and covers other applications such as curve fitting and image processing. It comes with a fully functional programming language and compiler, but many functions are also accessible through menus. IGOR Pro is primarily known for its graphics capabilities, and like Origin and other similar programs, is often used to generate plots for scientific and other publications. "

Igor Pro Wikipedia page

Igor Pro 6.x download: