Most Asked Praise & Worship Questions

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1. Whom shall we worship & praise?

The Creator, God, or the Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ ONLY. See Exodus 20:3-5, Deuteronomy 5:7, Luke 19:37-40

2. Why should we worship God?

We worship God, because He is the best, High King over all the gods. See Psalms 95

3. What is praise?

Praise is nothing more than the outward expression of your inward faith.

4. What is worship?

Worship is nothing more than giving honor and respect to a superior being, in our case, God the Creator.

5. How would I know when I’m worshipping?

Just be genuine in your attitude of worship! God is looking for genuine people, giving their heart and soul, to Him freely in their expressions. See John 4:24.

6. Is there a different between praise & worship?

Praise and Worship are closely related but are not the same. Worship almost always is confused with praise. The bible about a sacrifice of praise; which is the “fruit of the lips,” that is found in Hebrews 13:15 and Jeremiah 33:11, but there is NO sacrifice of worship; which is the “fruit of the heart!” As you can see, they are different. These distinctive help us to communicate in worship.

7. When is the best time to praise & worship?

All the time – morning, noon, and night! There is never a time that you should not be praising the Lord, or worshipping Him. You can find this in Hebrews 13:15 and Psalm 34:1

8. What is the purpose of praise?

We were pre-wired that way by the Creator, God. He created and made these things for His good pleasure. In return we praise Him; that is found in Psalms 148, Psalms 150, Isaiah 38:18, and Psalms 115:17

9. Why Praise the Lord?

We are created and commanded to worship God. It helps with our relationship with Him. As we do so, we receive power to overcome life’s situations. You can find this in Psalms 150:1, Psalms 115:17, Jeremiah 13:11, Isaiah 43:21, and 1 Peter 2:9

10. Are children important in worship?

Yes, they are, but I stress the fact that in training children to worship God, it is the parent’s responsibility, and not the local church. Obviously, there is a plan for churches to take a more active role when parents are Non-Christian or non-responsive. God’s design is for the parents to lead children in the knowledge of Him, and the love of Him and Jesus.

11. What is worship like in heaven?

Every created being are worshipping God day and night. The four beast rest not in the worship. See Revelation 4:8 They praise God for creating them!

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