Article Submission Guidelines

Thanks for inquring about submitting your article!

All submission are subject to editing for clarity and length as the Lord leads, plus it must be consistent with Biblical Principles. We reserve the right to not post any submitted articles as seems best; especially if your article is not on the topic of praise and worship. The purpose of submitting your written article is to help encourage and build-up the body of Christ.

All articles submission are preferably sent by email - plain text perberable, but if you want to perserve formatting with Microsoft Word attachments are fine. Submission may also be sent by regular postal mail, if that easier for you. Please request mailing address in your email to The maxium amount of words for each article send to Worship Basic 101 is 500-1,000. When you submit the article, please have the following:

  • Date
  • Name, alias name ( if applied to article), address, phone number, and age
  • Short bio - a few sentences telling about yourself
  • Photo of yourself (if mailing and what photo returned, send a SASE with submission)
  • Copyright information - permission to republish or not

Please contact us before republishing anything

Reprinting is generally allowed, but we appreciated knowing what articles will be used where. Exceptions are made when the author of an article requests to retain the copyright of their work - in such case, we will endeavor to get you directly in touch with the writer to ask their permission.

I hope that these guidelines will in no way discourage you, the readers from submitting items. If you have any further questions, before sending your items, please feel free to email me. Thanks Again for your interest in being a blessing to other through Worship Basic 101!

Praise the Lord, Shelena

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