Death totals around the world

I started to build a spreadsheet with worldwide death statistics - must find it - 10/16/2015 - here it is -


Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 5:45 PM - posted to firelaert etc

Where are the busiest emergency room doctors in the world?

Here are the very rudimentary answers

all figures are "per 100,000 residents"

USA - .11 out of hospital sudden cardiac arrests + 4 murders + 12 suicides + 11 road deaths = 27

Honduras - 90 murders

Venezuela - 53 murders + 37 road deaths = 90

Lesotho - 38 murders + 28 road deaths = 66

Belize - 44 murders

El Salvador - 41 murders

Guatamala - 39 murders

Swaziland - 33 murders + 23 road deaths = 56

South Africa - 31 murders + 31 road deaths = 62

Eritrea - 48 road deaths

Dominican Republic - 41 road deaths

Libya - 40 road deaths

Guyana - 44 suicides + 27 road deaths = 71

Uganda - 19 suicides + 28 road deaths = 47

Sudan - 17 suicides + 25 road deaths = 42

South Korea - 28 suicides


I have not tried to dig up cardiac arrest and stroke death info for all countries yet

Murder & suicide info from 2012 - via Wikipedia

road crash death info from 2010 - via Wikipedia


Worldwide - 350,000 die in suicides annually - ( 37,000 people kill themselves in the USA each year )

Worldwide - 1.3 million die in motor vehicle accidents annually - ( USA - 32,367 died in traffic incidents in 2011 - down 26% since 2005 - includes motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians - 9,878 involved drunk drivers - per

Worldwide - maybe 600,000 are murdered annually - ( 15,000 were murdered in the USA in 2010 per )

China - 75,000 died in workplace accidents in 2011




Into about Motor Vehicle Accidents


25 pages - 2011 - Road Safety Action Plan by the World Health Organization

Per Page 4 of 25

1. Nearly 1.3 million people die annually in road traffic collisions - that is 3,000 deaths per day - 75% are not in automobiles (so I guess they are bikers or pedestrians)

2. 20 to 50 million are injured annually

3. 90% of the devastation happens in low income and moderate income nations - costs might be as high as 3% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

4. By (maybe) 2020 - deaths might double to 2.4 million per year

Recommendations are straightforward ->>>> make the roads safer - tighten up driving rules - improve trauma services

Bottom line - lung diseases, communicable diseases, childhood issues, AIDS, and malaria might be replaced as major health issues by traffic accidents in the not too distant future


Please also see 'Public Safety World' at - - it has a little more info - not much really - I should probably dump that site since it is redundantly redundant - note to self - make a note about this