Bucharest City Ambulance Service

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Emergency agencies


Ambulance Service of Bucharest (Saturday) is a sanitary unit with a unique character not only in Bucharest but even at its ntregii countries. It is a strategic medical facility with legal personality, with specific work 24 hours standby of 24, 365 days a year. Samba is not subordinate its Department of Public Health S N A Bucharest.


Data de 11 februarie marchează ziua europeană 112. Numărul de urgenţă 112 este comun în toate cele 27 de state ale Uniunii Europene şi se foloseşte pentru a contacta gratuit serviciile de urgenţă, din orice reţea de telefonie fixă sau mobilă, la orice oră din zi şi din noapte.

Ambulance Service of Bucharest assure emergency medical assistance at both pre-hospital and during transport request patients (sick, injured, pregnant women) to the hospital. In addition Samba provides both ambulatory care and transport at the request nemedicalizate.Transportul drugs, biological products (blood and organs) and healthcare professionals in the program is ongoing, ensuring the necessary emergency medical care throughout Bucharest municipality, and if appropriate, and beyond 24 hours from 24.SAMBA respond to phone coming from both the population and other medical units at an average 950 requests per 24 hours.The main segment of health care and transportation for major emergencies in the pre-hospital phase, Samba is involved in preventive health care of large agglomerations such as sports, cultural, social, political, hunger strike, providing medical assistance and transportation for individual emergencies, collective and mass disasters.

In addition to emergency care and emergency medical assistance in case of disasters, SAMBA performs other activities such as health care at home for emergencies grade 2, issue of certificates of death on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, also giving medical care and transport to hospital for social cases, the lack of a social system.

Ambulance Service of Bucharest works in collaboration with the fire brigade, police or MoD Units based on Ministry of Health and protocols concluded between them.

To ensure better resolution requests, Ambulance Service of Bucharest is organized ambulance substations in areas 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, being the headquarters for District 2 substation sector.

District substations are substations run by physicians and coordinators are administratively subordinate headquarters is located in the Mihai Eminescu Street, no. 226, District 2.

The other substations are located in areas 1,3,4,5,6 at the following addresses:

Substation sector 1 - Str. Tails no. 15 A

Substation sector 3 - Al. Meadow Tree no. 1 A

Substation sector 4 - Al. Julius Haţeganu no. A

Substation Sector 5 - Str. Leresti no. 22

Substation sector 6 - Al. Craiesti No 1-3

Dispatching and coordination of all personnel operating in the field is from Central Station, SAMBA resolve all requests addressed to the population of Bucharest single national number 961, and 112 new unique number, aided by computer application DISPEC, improved and adapted continuously over 9 years, to meet specific SAMBA works, from early planning staff, solving optimization cases with adequate crews, to obtain various statistical data required by the Ministry of Health or the operation of settlement activity Samba with Health Insurance House Bucharest.

The main functions of the Information System are:

establishing presumptive diagnosis, providing first aid advice, patient identification data acquisition, signaling request double or triple;

dispatching requests by:

- Time of registration

- Ambulance type and distance to go

- Degree of urgency, while maintaining an optimum balance between power and distance

determining resource needs and structure based on medical statistics and activity (per shift, daily, weekly, monthly, annual)

About 150 ambulances of which 24 are resuscitation and intensive therapy (ARTI) and 21 are Ambulances and Emergency Resuscitation (AUR), with crew according to the specific healthcare activity of 1, 2 or 3 people including: doctors , nurses and ambulance are sent to the area to resolve the 950 applications on average 24 hours, a number that increases by 30-40% in case of epidemic or pandemic.

Project partner national information campaign on the single emergency number 112

S requests tatistic structure includes:

39% of major emergencies;

Emergency 31% grade 2;

30% of medical transports.

Force medical staff consists of 95 doctors, 190 ward staff (110 nurses, 81 emergency registrars operators - get ready for the accurate identification of presumptive diagnosis) and 240 ambulance driver (drivers trained to be in need of third person who fills crew specialized in emergency ambulance interventions). Program staff is working in shifts (day and night).

SAMBA is part of the national program for implementing Integrated Voice and Data Communications emergency 112 (police, fire and ambulance). Dispatching calls to the single national telephone 112 comprises three main segments: segment predispecerat Answering the population segment segment Dispatch 112 and post 112 dispatcher dispatches calls to ambulance allocation, police and firefighters and to address these calls.

Samba is accredited by the Ministry of Health Improvement Center for Advanced Life Support courses, Basic Life Support ambulance and Operators School Emergency registrars. For school ambulance and emergency operations are organized in two sessions and courses for other groups upon request. For example now carry emergency medical courses for nurses chirurugicale REMSSy the program 3.

SAMBA also the Basic Life Support courses for individuals without medical profession.

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