Monarchies Of The World

The word monarch comes from the Latin word monarcha, which pertained to any single, absolute ruler, although the term today has come to mean the sovereign of any nation who heads a traditional system of hereditary rule by order of succession, by virtue of bloodline or lineage within a royal house or dynasty.

There are forty four monarchies around the world, which are also known as kingdoms, principalities, sultanates or emirates.

Monarchies come under five different categories - Absolute Monarchies, Commonwealth Realms, Constitutional Monarchies, Elective Monarchies and Federal Monarchies.

Below is a list of the forty four monarchies around the world, listed under their appropriate categories.


An absolute monarchy has a head of state who rules as an autocrat with absolute power over both state and government. There are eight absolute monarchies around the world, they are;

Brunei - Asia - Sultanate.

Liechtenstein - Europe - Principality.

Monaco - Europe - Principality.

Oman - Arabia - Emirate.

Qatar - Arabia - Emirate.

Saudi Arabia - Arabia - Kingdom

Swaziland - Africa - Kingdom.

Vatican City State - Europe - Ex Officio. ***


The Commonwealth Realms are countries with a personal union arrangement with the United Kingdom, which has been in effect since the days of the British Empire. Their monarch is Queen Elisabeth II, who has limited powers in these countries and is monarch in a ceremonial and or traditional capacity only.

There are fifteen Commonweath Realms around the world, they are;

Antigua & Barbuda - Caribbean

Australia - Oceania.

Bahamas - Caribbean.

Barbados - Caribbean.

Belize - Central America.

Canada - North America.

Grenada - Caribbean.

Jamaica - Caribbean.

New Zealand - Oceania.

Papua / New Guinea - Pacific.

Saint Kitts and Nevis - Caribbean.

Saint Lucia - Caribbean.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Caribbean.

Solomon Islands - South Pacific.

Tuvalu - South Pacific.


A constitutional monarchy has a head of state who has limited political power within the running of the country, due to their being subject to a constitution, and is therefore monarch in a ceremonial and or traditional role only.

There are twenty one constitutional monarchies around the world, they are;

Andorra - Europe - Diarchy / Co - Principality.*

Bahrain - Arabia - Emirate.

Belgium - Europe - Kingdom.

Bhutan - Asia - Kingdom.

Cambodia - Asia - Kingdom.

Denmark - Europe - Kingdom.

Japan - Asia - Monarch known as Emperor or Imperial Majesty.

Jordan - Middle East - Kingdom.**

Kuwait - Arabia - Emirate.

Lesotho - Africa - Kingdom.

Luxembourg - Europe - Grand Duchy.

Malaysia - Asia - Monarch known as Supreme Head of State.

Morocco - North Africa - Kingdom.

Netherlands - Europe - Kingdom.

Norway - Europe - Kingdom.

Spain - Europe - Kingdom.

Sweden - Europe - Kingdom.

Thailand - Asia - Kingdom.

Tonga - South Pacific - Kingdom.

United Arab Emirates - Arabia - Monarch known as Emir.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Europe - Kingdom.


An elective monarchy has a head of state who has been elected or appointed, for a defined period of time, by a particular governing body within the country.

There are four elective monarchies around the world, they are;

Andorra - Europe

Malaysia - Asia.

Vatican City State - Europe.

United Arab Emirates - Arabia.


A federal monarchy has a head of state who presides over a federation or group of smaller monarchies.

There are two federal monarchies around the world, they are ;

Malaysia - Asia.

The United Arab Emirates - Arabian Peninsula.

*ANDORRA is the only country in the world which has two diarchs who act as the country's monarch. Known as the co - princes, they are traditionally the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell in Spain, making Andorra the only country in the world to have their monarch elected by the democratic vote of another country, or countries in Andorra's case.

**JORDAN uses a form of elective monarchy with the future monarch always being chosen by the current monarch from any suitable member of the Jordanian Royal Family.

*** The monarch or ex officio of the VATICAN CITY STATE, is The Pope, who is the elected head of state of both the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican City State, who after election, will remain absolute monarch until death.

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