Wisconsin  Title 1 Association

Plan Ahead:

Spring Conference - April 3-4, 2025

Spring Conference - April 9-10, 2026    

Spring Conference - April 8-9, 2027

WT1A Facebook Page 

The Wisconsin Title 1 Association (WT1A) is a dedicated group of educators committed to promoting and enhancing the quality of  Title 1 programs throughout the state of Wisconsin.  The group is comprised of educational professionals from all corners of the state who are concerned with children who have learning difficulties.

Working directly with the Department of Public Instruction, the Association identifies concerns and seeks methods for resolving the challenges facing Title 1 programs and administrators.

A conference is held each spring to keep members current on developments in the field and to share the latest state and federal updates.

Reminder -  Be thinking of someone you can nominate for WT1A Awards.  Please let any seniors you know of our scholarship opportunity.  More information about all of our awards are in the tabs at the top.

Welcome to the WT1A website!  Let us know if you have suggestions. wisconsintitle1association@gmail.com.  

Any Questions Please Feel Free to Contact Us:

Co-President - Lisa Arneson - larneson@cesa3.org

Co-President - Kristi Zimmerman - mizzeereading@gmail.com 

Exhibit Contact:  Lori Cherf - lori.cherf@hillsboroschools.org 

Conference Registration Questions: Amy Lorbecki  alorbecki@barabooschools.net