Black & White
Genre: Dark-comedyLength: Ten-minutesParts: Three actors (male or female)Synopsis: The Black & White Minstrel Show is a dark-comedy about racial stereotypes. The play examines the danger of perpetuating these stereotypes, currently and historically, through entertainment and popular media.
(Video: Five of a Kind Play Festival, ASU. 2005. Feat. Alex Raines and Rakeysh Hardin)
Production History:
Striking Short Play Lab, The Roy Arias Studios, New York, NY.
Directed by Jordan Dann, 2010
Vignettes of the Apocalypse. EndTimes Production, New York, NY.
Directed by Tony Macy-Perez, 2010
SlamBoston Ten-Minute Play Festival, Another Country Productions, Boston, MA.
Directed by Lau Lapides, 2008
Fifth Annual North Park Playwrights Festival. San Diego, CA
Directed by Jonathan Sturch, 2007
Kingsborough Community College’s 10-Minute Play Festival. , Brooklyn, NY., 2007
Five of a Kind Ten-Minute Play Festival. Arizona State University, 2005