Full-Length Plays:
3 Sistas
Aaliyah in Underland
A Bronzian Tale
Harold and I
Jonny May's Soul Kitchen (More info)
On Top of The World
Skylark Dreams (More info)
Star Alarm (More info)
Troy the Hillian
The Shop
One-Act Plays
The EnterView
The Waiting and Unseeen
Introducing Fightoflyber
Ten-Minute Plays:
Boys Don't Play With Dolls
Harmony (More Info)
Harmony (More Info)
He Ain't Heavy
Moonlight Sonata
Mind The High
Suspended EnAction
The Act
The Last Applause (More info)
The Last Supper
The Black & White Minstrel Show (More info)
We’re The Lies You Tell (More info)