
We aim to find and list local events concerning local conservation and wildlife as well as events organised by us. Also see the links to local activities in the Resource Center

From April to October we also carry out tree recording walks in various locations around the area, Wildflower & Pollinator surveys  and sunset bat surveys . Please follow these underlined links to our web pages with this year's dates and further information. 

Any questions or suggestions please email

Friday 12th July to Sunday 4th August 

Join in with the Big Butterfly Count. More information here:

Saturday 13th July 9:30 am to 12:30 

Conservation work at Allens Field - butterfly count, pollinator counts (weather permitting) and rhodo & laurel removal planned. Please bring gardening gloves and wear sturdy shoes/boots. Meeting in the car park - off Liddell Way, South Ascot  SL5 9UZ here:

Wednesday 17th July 12.30-15.30

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden. We have enough volunteers signed up this month as we have some corporate volunteers to help maintain this space for the children's nature education. 

26th & 27th July 

RBWM Braywick Nature Festival - more information to follow. Please check their Facebook and RBWM Together website.

Tuesday 30th July 12 noon to 5 pm 

Silwood Park Bugs, Birds and Beast Day. Silwood Park, Imperial College, Buckhurst Road, SL5 7PY  Free event, everyone welcome. More info here:


Thursday 1st August 2 pm to ~ 4:30 pm 

Swinley Forest guided walk led by Des Sussex, Crown Estate Conservation and Biodiversity Manager.  Please register for further information via as numbers are limited. No dogs please.


Saturday 10th August 9:30 am to 12:30 

Conservation work at Allens Field - work to be decided. Please bring gardening gloves and wear sturdy shoes/boots. Meeting in the car park - off Liddell Way, South Ascot  SL5 9UZ here:

Wednesday 18th September 12.30-15.30

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden. Please come along, with gardening gloves, to help maintain this space for the children's nature education. Meeting at the school reception. Rhododendron Walk, North Ascot SL5 8PN, Google maps link:

Wednesday 20th November 12.30-15.30

Working Party at Ascot Heath Primary School - Infant school wildlife garden. Please come along, with gardening gloves, to help maintain this space for the children's nature education. Meeting at the school reception. Rhododendron Walk, North Ascot SL5 8PN, Google maps link: