Everything from The Hangar...

(still need to sort and file onto this site)

Bird Identification

The Peregrine Fund Explore Raptors

Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center

Waterfowl ID, Duck ID, Ducks Unlimited

Birds of Orange County, California

Bird Diseases and Parasites

    CDC - Avian Influenza

    CDFW - Avian Influenza

    USDA Avian Influenza

    Bird Mites - Department of Entomology, Penn State

Research & Articles

A sonic net excludes birds from an airfield: implications for reducing bird strike and crop losses

Impacts of Mowing on Bird Abund ance, Distribution, and Hazards to Aircraft at Westover Air Reserve Base, MA

Strategies for Prevention of Bird-Strike Events; AERO Magazine QTR_03.11

Bloody Skies: The Fight to Reduce Deadly Bird-Plane Collisions by Eric Uhlfelder, for National Geographic published November 8, 2013

Making Airspace for Birds and Planes, Audubon magazine by Bruce Barcott May-June 2009


Species Specifics

Coyote (Canis latrans)

    Urban Coyote Symposium

    The Natural History of the Urban Coyote, blog

Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

    ADW species account

Associations, Journals, & Conferences

Bird Strike Committee USA

The Wildlife Society    publications

Ecological Society of America    publications

Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies

National Military Fish & Wildlife Association

Wildlife Disease Association    Journal of Wildlife Diseases

2017 North American Bird Strike Confrence

Vertebrate Pest Conference

Private Companies

Falcon Environmental Services

Loomacres Wildlife Management

Wildlife sightings by the public

From FB Hawk ID

Birder sites that while maybe not be totally scholarly, they can be helpful. (Use as back-up to more formal identification sources.)

Phillip's Fetching Birds - Fall Shorebirds of Seapoint