Regulations & Guidance

    As with many other areas in aviation there are rules and regulations coming at you from more than one source, wildlife hazard management is no different. We have the FARs, Federal Aviation Regulations, which are simply part of Title 14 Aeronautics and Space of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), that tells the airports what they are responsible for. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) also exerts its authority over Part 139 airports (those with scheduled air carrier service) by means of  AC's or Advisory Circulars. And then there are CertAlerts which augment or clarify portions of certain AC's. The CFRs also cover other areas not directly related to airports but still pertinent to wildlife management.   

But wait, there's more...

Don't forget there's regulations that come down to us from U.S. Code and the CFRs that pertains specifically to wildlife and which are enforced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.