Getting there

Some advise given to me from an airport wildlife biologist friend when I had sought it concerning which school and what degree, etc.

"Don't pigeon hole yourself with too specialized of a degree. Go for just a basic biology (or the like) degree which hits the marks for the GS-0486 qualification."

What if I have a degree but it doesn't quite hit all of the marks for the 486?

I have seen a number of occasions where Wildlife Services has hired someone as an airport wildlife biologist who didn't quite meet 486 qualifications. They were brought on as GS-0404 Biological Science Technicians until they had acquired the deficient credits.

Universities and Colleges Offering Degrees in Wildlife

There are many schools in North American that have special curricula related to the fields of wildlife conservation and management.

Click here to download a list of schools that we’ve compiled to assist you in your search.

Certified Wildlife Biologist®

An individual with the educational background and demonstrated expertise in the art and science of applying the principles of ecology to the conservation and management of wildlife and its habitats, and is judged able to represent the profession as an ethical practitioner, will be designated as a Certified Wildlife Biologist®. The CWB® certification is valid for 5 years and may be renewed (see below).

How to Apply

TWS membership is required to apply for certification and to retain valid certification. Before submitting an application, become a member of The Wildlife Society.

  1. Complete the appropriate application form (download forms below).

  2. Submit the application to

  3. Submit transcripts and other supporting materials, if applicable. Materials need to be submitted via email.

  4. Submit application payment via the online payment form that will be emailed to you upon application submission

As it is with almost any career field worth pursuing, find a mentor, network, and learn the field before you even apply.