
ALERT: Notifications especially for USA and Japan and China and Taiwanese demons.

1) Implant ideas in their minds to scratch and draw naked images on cave walls and rocks.

2) Encourage them to create naked idols of wood and stone.

3) Give them inspiration to use writing tools on papyrus animal skin and copper or gold.

4) Inspire artists to use paintings to spread naked images under the guise that the human body is art itself.

5) Have them use whatever printing presses they use to print the books of that bloody Son to widely distribute to masses of people.

6) As still photography is developed inspire them to use cameras to create black and white naked images which will be the most graphic and explicit today.

7) Have them use silent motion pictures to stimulate the brain and tantalize them.

8) Show them how the addition of sound to motion pictures can lure them by a second sense.

9) Instruct them to use radio stations to broadcast stories to stir the imagination.

10) Illustrate to them how the use of color photography to create vivid images.

11) Stress to the fashion industry to slowly make the point that less clothing coverage is MORE desirable.

12) Impress upon the them how the use of color movies will be entertaining and cause addiction.

13) Show them that with the advent of magazines they can create numerous publishers and slowly make photos more and more revealing over the years.

14) Let them delight in hand-held film cameras like the 8MM format. They can now afford their own and can project the movies in the privacy of their home!

15) Inspire them to take magnetic tape from the IBM computer mainframe world and implement a video tape player in Sony Beta and VHS formats.

16) With the advent of magnetic tape, create a whole pornography video distribution system by having retail stores rent VHS and Beta tapes.

17) Make it affordable at all costs for people to own their own Beta and VHS cameras.

18) Encourage everyone that they need a personal computer to access the internet and then pump the internet with pornography.

19) Using the internet which was created for USA national defense to be the primary means for distribution of pornographic photos and videos.

20) Have them scrap their chemical film based cameras and magnetic tape video cameras for a new digital age cameras since virtually all own computers in their home.

21) Introduce lewd images into children's video games.

22) With the advent of hi-resolution color laser and ink-jet printers let them download and print pornographic images which they can post in lockers at work or school.

23) As radio broadcasts are to a city inspire them to have WiFi in their home so that they can take their small laptops or palm tops into private areas in their home to view pornography.

24) With the increased miniaturization of electronics show them how to develop incredible SMART phones so that they can make and store pornographic photos and videos on their smartphone and distribute them easily to the internet.

25) PUSH high-definition on the television and video recording industries for be there realism.

26) Eliminate the poor quality sound systems for televisions and use digital sound technologies and surround sound systems and personal home theater systems for maximum shock and awe.

27) Why limit the viewers to two dimensions? Get them to utilize three dimensional viewing which was first brought to professional movie theaters. Introduce it first at the happiest place on earth- EPCOT in 1982 at Disney World in Orlando, Florida-- a real HOT spot!

28) Do NOT stop at 3D wearing glasses but develop handheld 3D viewable devices that won't require glasses and be initially sold as Nintendo 3DS video game systems.

29) If and when Osama bin Laden is apprehended, do NOT let it be known that he had a treasure trove of pornography at his compound as it will cast a dark shadow on pornography.

30) With the popular series of Star Wars introduce the general population to holographic three dimensional displays as projected by robots.

31) Now that you have attacked the senses of the eyes and the ears do NOT stop there! Implement the accessories for personal computers for odor generation and computer controlled attachments.

32) With all the development in robotics technology by Honda and others, introduce SEXBOTS.

All text at this website is Copyright ©2005-2011 by Ronald C. Seman. All Rights Reserved.