Weston Bowling Club

By Apr 20, 1944, a new bowling club has been established at Weston on land donated by Hebburn Ltd.

Weston NSW: Large group photo of Weston Bowling Club members

Above:  Members of Weston Bowling Club - c.1950s

Only two men have been identified thus far:

Back Row: 5th from right: William Allan Collingwood;

Second Row: 9th from left: Jim Hutchison

~ Ean Smith

 1944:     By Apr 20, 1944, a new bowling club has been established at Weston on land donated by Hebburn Ltd.

 1945:    11-12 Aug 1945:   Weston Bowling Club gave the greens their first use when they held a progressive rink game.                                                                             

 1945:     6 Oct: The Weston Bowling Club's first green was officially opened by Mr S. McKensey, Superintendent of Hebburn Collieries and Club Patron.

1946:     Weston Ladies Bowling Club was formed.

WESTON NSW Bowling Club: Country Champions - State Runners-Up, 1947.   L-R:  E. Liddle, J. McNabb, A. Liddle, W. Collingwood (Skipper) ~ Ean Smith

Above: Country Champions - State Runners-Up, 1947

L-R:  E. Liddle, J. McNabb, A. Liddle, W. Collingwood (Skipper)

~ Ean Smith

Weston NSW: Members of Weston Bowling Club  - Year not known Back Row L-R:     "Sarge" Harris, Jack Gould, Dennis Falk, "Bags" McKendry, Murray Lister, John Black, Bill Miller. Middle Row L-R:  Ernie Wells,  Eddie Evans,  Trevor Jurd, "Skeeta" Wilkinson, Eddie Liddell, Jack McKinnon, John Strickleton. Front Row L-R:     Joe Medcalf, Cyril Bates, "Banjo" Paterson, Herbie Bartlett, Mark Patterson. ~ Ean Smith

Above:  Weston Bowling Club Pennants Team  - 1978

Back Row L-R:   "Sarge" Harris, Jack Gould, Dennis Falk, "Bags" McKendry, Murray Lister, John Black, Bill Miller.

Middle Row L-R:  Ernie Wells,  Eddie Evans,  Trevor Jurd, "Skeeta" Wilkinson, Eddie Liddell, Jack McKinnon, John Strickleton.

Front Row L-R:   Joe Medcalf, Cyril Bates, "Banjo" Paterson, Herbie Bartlett,  Mark Patterson.

~ Ean Smith

Weston NSW: A Weston Bowling Club Ladies team around 1995 ~ Tommy Sneddon

Above: Weston Ladies Bowls Team c.1995

~ Tom Sneddon

 1996:     15 Aug: Weston Ladies Bowling Club celebrated their 50th Anniversary.

 2001:     30 Oct: Weston Ladies Bowling Club disbanded after 56 years.

 2005:     Sadly, the Weston Bowling Club, once the site of much enjoyment by the bowlers of Weston, came to an ignominious end. 

Police raid closes club overrun by bikie gang

By Alan Hardie - The Maitland Mercury (NSW Suburban, 23 June 2005)

A Sydney police squad has raided a bowling club at Weston that became a Bandidos bikie haven, arresting four people and seizing 15 firearms and drugs.

The Weston Bowling Club, once a tranquil meeting place for older people, was gradually infiltrated by Bandidos motorcycle club members, police alleged yesterday.

Police from the Gang Squad and officials from the Department of Gaming and Racing swooped on the club in Elford Avenue on Thursday.

Two members of the Bandidos motorcycle club were arrested, as were two club associates.

The bowling club was closed for 72 hours - and a closure may be sought for another six months. Several people living in the area were delighted at the police raid.

They told the Mercury yesterday that they have been living in fear since the bikies slowly began moving into the club.

"The place was like a bee hive on some weekends - with well over a hundred motorcycles roaring about," said one resident, who declined to be named.

Detective Superintendent Nick Kaldas, commander of the Gang Squad, said: "The activities of the Bandidos at the club came to our notice and we began investigating.

"The Bandidos didn't just take over the club - it was infiltration done by stealth."

He revealed that the president of the Weston Bowling Club board was also president of the Hunter Valley Chapter of the Bandidos.

"We have identified a number of people allegedly involved in criminal activity," Det Supt Kaldas said.

"We will continue to monitor the activity of the Bandidos.

"They will need to go somewhere now."

A total of 15 firearms were seized in the club raid, ranging from hand guns to shotguns and shortened firearms, State Crime Command media liaison officer Daniela Ongaro said.

She said a quantity of amphetamines was also seized.

It is believed the Weston Bowling Club is the first registered club to in NSW to receive a closure order on the grounds of being a "risk of serious offences'.'

One resident described the police raid as "the best thing that's happened around here in a long time".

The elderly man said: "I remember the days - about 18 months ago - when I would enjoy walking to Kurri Kurri.

"But since the bikers moved into the club, I've been too scared to do that."

A woman who lives nearby said: "Bikers would arrive from everywhere on weekends.

"I remember the days when lovely old ladies who had been members at the bowling club for years began staying away."

Police said two members of the Bandidos club had been arrested and faced charges of conspiring to supply amphetamines and cultivating cannabis, as well as conspiracy to supply drugs.

Two associates of the motorcycle club were also arrested and faced various charges.'

2006: The ABC reported 19 Jan 2006:

Bowling clubs consider Weston merger

At least five Hunter Valley clubs have expressed an interest in amalgamating with the Weston Bowling Club, which was forced to close last year due to concerns about how it was being run.

A joint investigation involving the Police and Department of Gaming and Racing found members of the Bandidos motorcycle group were on the club's board, raising concern about illegal activity on the site.

A community meeting will be held tonight to discuss its future.

Newly appointed administrator Paul Gidley says many local clubs still see the Weston Bowling Club as a viable asset.

" think it's more aimed at first of all, you can become the main club in the area having all the members, but secondly and more importantly improving your balance sheet," he said.

"Weston has a little amount of debt and substantial hard assets in the form of land and buildings and the poker machine titles.'

 2008:     5 Nov:  The old Weston Bowling Club premises was destroyed by fire.

'Firefighters from Weston, Kurri Kurri, Abermain and the Duty Commander responded to a fire in an old bowling club in Elford Street, Weston early this morning. On arrival fire crews reported that the building was engulfed in flames and immediately started to contain the blaze. Crews battled the blaze from outside the building as it was not safe for firefighters to enter as most of the roof had collapsed. The fire was extinguished in less than two hours and investigations are continuing into the cause.'