Trash Collection Info (Detailed)

In West Laurel, trash will be collected on Tuesdays between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. The contractor will empty containers and return them to your curbside. The homeowner is responsible for storing and cleaning the containers. Neither the County nor the contractor will be responsible for items not intended for collection that are placed next to trash containers or for the removal of any containers other than regulation containers.

To report a missed trash collection, or to register a complaint about trash pick-up, please submit a service request via CountyClick or dial 3-1-1 for assistance.

Holiday Schedule

Trash, recycling and yard trim collection services are NOT provided on the following holidays:

New Year's Day

Labor Day

Memorial Day

Thanksgiving Day

Independence Day

Christmas Day

If the holiday falls on a week day, trash and recycling collection will shift to the next day, through Saturday, with no collections on Sunday. There are NO makeup days for yard trim collection.

View a full holiday schedule for trash, recycling and yard trim collection.

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, residents are advised that bulky trash, once-a-week trash and recycling, and yard trim/waste collections may be delayed or suspended due to road or weather-related conditions. If collection services are postponed, every effort will be made to pick-up the missed collections on the following day after that day’s regular collections. Residents are reminded to leave their collection containers at the curbside and that pickups can occur from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

If once-a-week trash/recycling collections are suspended for two consecutive days, collections for the missed days will resume the following week on the regularly scheduled collection days. For example, if collections are suspended on Tuesday and Wednesday, Wednesday and Thursday or Thursday and Friday, those collections will move to the next week.

If once-a-week trash/recycling collections are suspended on Friday, those collections will move to Monday. There will be no Saturday collections.

Monday yard trim/waste collections suspended due to severe weather will be collected on the following Monday.

Bulky trash collections suspended due to severe weather will be collected within seven (7) days. Residents will be contacted with a new collection date within that timeframe.

In all cases, residents are reminded to adhere to their current HOA or civic association rules and regulations regarding trash and recycling placed in public areas.

Collection Status Updates

Trash Containers

Trash containers must be either:

  • Permanent-type, standard metal with bottoms intact and no excessive rust
  • Securely tied, heavy-duty plastic bags
  • Watertight, heavy-duty plastic containers with handles and tight-fitting lids

No single container should exceed 60 pounds. There is no limit to the number of regulation containers that may be used.

Acceptable Materials

  • Garbage: Food wastes accumulated in normal household use
  • Trash: some plastics and ashes
  • Bamboo: The proper disposal is to be prepared like yard waste no longer than 4 feet and tied in bundles placed out to be collected with the trash.
  • Unwanted trash containers (old rigid plastic and metal trash can/carts/containers must be placed at curbside on regularly scheduled trash and recycling collection day turned upside down). If container is not collected with the recycling collection, contact CountyClick 3-1-1.

Collection for Senior Citizens and Disabled

The County provides back door collection of trash for senior citizens over 65 years of age and for disabled citizens.

To qualify, no one living in the home can be under the age of 65 or be physically able to carry the trash/recycling toter curbside. To make arrangements for back door collection contact CountyClick at 3-1-1.