Stopping the Law Breaker

Stopping the Law Breaker

The only way to stop a Law Breaker is to have an outside change in their environment which causes an internal shift in their mental, physical and spiritual sphere. All three spheres are necessary for their rehabilitation.

The outside change needs to be so dramatic that to continue to break the law would be detrimental to their very essence. Unfortunately for some individuals the only way for them to change is the ultimate threat of death. Even this doesn’t work for those who have already decided to fight against God. They have erroneously determined that they are the ultimate control. For these individuals, there is a very real risk of allowing them loose into society. They have been corrupted in so many ways and they don’t want to change. You cannot force someone to change who doesn’t want to. Changing is a willful act.

Answers – To change the physical you put them somewhere else where they are contained – you limit their freedom. You don’t allow them to retain their past lifestyle. There is a very real need for prisons and mental facilities which can restrict freedom while they are undergoing treatment. This allows those who are in society to be free from the lawbreaker’s actions. To put a lawbreaker back into society (especially a violent one) is a criminal action on the part of those releasing them.

To change the mental, you need to educate, therapy to help them learn a new way to look at the world and their actions. You need to unlearn the previous lifestyle which is socially unacceptable. To not educate them in a new way of life is to also be criminal on the part of those releasing them.

To change spiritual, and this is the most important aspect, you need God. Lasting true rehabilitation is impossible without God. God is the moral authority with the ultimate difference which causes a person to change for good. If the person doesn’t believe there is anyone who can stop them, then why should they stop? It is this sphere where most rehabilitation programs fail. The person needing to change needs to have someone who is always with them, someone who they have a personal relationship with. The only one who can be with a person all the time and cause a positive change is God.

With all criminal actions if the person committing the crime doesn’t have a consistent form of containment for their actions, they will continue. They might be sporadic after the 1st episode but will increase if they are not consistently confronted. These are the boundaries which need to be initially set up while still in infancy; you don’t touch a hot stove, you place boundaries on the child for their safety and eventually your safety.

There are elements contained in all children to help establish boundaries inside. One element is to encourage the acceptable behavior, reward for good actions, very powerful. Another encouragement is to strengthen the gifts inside your child in a positive way of expression. For example, if they are gifted athletically, put them in sports, where they can be further trained in self discipline. Without self discipline, they will become more self-centered and tend towards lawlessness.

The ultimate is for them to see themselves as part of God’s family. When this is accomplished, they have an authority over them by someone who can see everything. So the person is always accountable. God is also in control so can at any moment inflict discipline. God also can reward the positive behavior. God also gives the person a stable sense of self. When a person relinquishes control of being the center of the universe and instead looks at others as also having value, then their internal spiritual sphere has shifted. It is this internal shift in spirit which creates the true lasting rehabilitation of the criminal. Without this shift lasting change is not possible.

So work on all three spheres. Start while they are still babies. Teach children right from wrong. Discipline them and teach self discipline. Set an example of self discipline by your own actions. Encourage the gifts your child has been born with in socially accepted ways. Teach your child about God. Pray for your children and have them pray for you and their family. Connect your child with the ultimate authority. Forgive yourself and your child when you child does wrong and push them toward the shifting of spheres. Put your child in the best possible scenario to succeed. Keep your child and yourself accountable. Mostly give them the spiritual guidance to value all human life. Valuing the human life is manifested in outward expressions with their actions – do they consistently help others without requiring compensation. To require compensation for their good actions is to be self centered. To help without requiring compensation shows a true shift in character.