Keynote Speakers (Profiles)

Professor Geoffrey Austin BA, (Cambridge), PhD, (Canterbury), FRSNZ, FNZIP

Professor of Geophysics, University of Auckland

Research Areas

· Atmospheric remote sensing and modelling.

· Geophysical use of radar.

Current Research

Development of radar equipment and subsequent deployment to study the small scale structure of severe weather. Recent emphasis has been on hazards from sub tropical cyclones and orographic effects on rainfall. We have also been adapting the MM5 model to work on the atmosphere of Mars with a view to understanding the evolution of the climate of the rocky planets.

More details are to be found on which also includes recent publications of the Atmospheric Physics Group.

Professor Elaine M. Wainwright - BA (Hons), PhD, MTheol, BSS

Richard Maclaurin Goodfellow Professor in Theology and Head of School, School of Theology, University of Auckland

Lecturer in Biblical Studies (New Testament)



Eco-Theology, edited by Luiz Carlos Susin, Elaine M. Wainwright, and Felix Wilfred. Concilium 2009/3.London: SCM, 2009.

Land Conflicts, Land Utopias, edited by Marie Theres Wacker and Elaine M. Wainwright. Concilium 2007/2. London: SCM, 2007

Woman Healing/Healing Women: The Genderization of Healing in Early Christianity. London: Equinox, 2006.


“Who do you say I am? A Matthean Response.” In Blackwell Companion to Jesus, edited Delbert Burkett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press forthcoming.

“Beyond the Crossroads: Reading Matthew Ecologically into the Twenty-first Century” in The Gospel of Matthew at the Crossroads of Early Christianity, Colloquium Biblicum Louvaniense 2009. Leuven: Peeters forthcoming.

“Hear then the Parable of the Seed: Reading the Agrarian Parables of Matt 13 Ecologically” Festschrift in Honour of Ed Conrad, edited by Roland Boer and Julie Kelso (forthcoming).

“Place, Power and Potentiality: Reading Matt 2:1-12 Ecologically,” Expository Times 121.4 (January 2010): 159-167.

“In memory of…in memory of….: Re-reading and Re-membering” in Caught Reading Again: Scholars and their Books, edited by R. S. Sugirtharajah, 158-174. London: SCM, 2009.

“In the Lands of the Eucalypt and The Long White Cloud: Jesus Research ‘Downunder’.” Colloquium 40.1 (2008): 3-22.

“The Book of the Genealogy: How Shall We Read It?” in Eco-Theology, edited by Luiz Carlos Susin, Elaine M. Wainwright,and Felix Wilfred, 13-23. Concilium 2009/3.London: SCM, 2009.

“Feminist Criticism and the Gospel of Matthew.” In Methods for Matthew, edited by Mark Allan Powell, 83-117. Methods in Biblical Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

“In the Lands of the Eucalypt and the Long White Cloud: Jesus Research “Downunder”.” In Le Jésus de l’histoire à travers le monde/The Historical Jesus around the World, edited by Chrystian Boyer and Gérard Rochais, 431-449. Quebec: Fides, 2009.

“Gendering Healing both Human and Divine: the Case of Sirach 38:1-15” in Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World. Mnemosyne, Supplements, History and Archaeology of Classical Antiquity, 300. Leiden: Brill, 2009.

“Land of the Kauri and the long White Cloud: Beginning to read Matthew 1 – 2 Ecologically” in Postcolonial Interventions: Essays in Honor of R. S. Sugirtharajah, edited by Tat-siong Benny Liew, 332-346. The Bible in the Modern World 23. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2009.

“Unbound Hair and Ointmented Feet: An Ecofeminist Reading of Luke 7.36-50.” In Exchanges of Grace: Essays in Honour of Ann Loades. Edited by Natalie K. Watson and Stephen Burns, 178-189. London: SCM, 2008.

“Healing Ointment/Healing Bodies: Gift and Identification in an EcoFeminist Reading of Mark 14:3-9.” In Exploring Ecological Hermeneutics. Edited by Norman C. Habel and Peter Trudinger, 131-140. SBL Symposium Series 46. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008.

“Anointing/Washing Feet: John 12:1-8 and Its Intertexts within a Socio-Rhetorical Reading.” In “I Sowed Fruits into Hearts” Odes Sol. 17:13): Festschrift for Professor Michael Lattke. Edited by Pauline Allen, Majella Franzmann, and Rick Strelan, 203-220. Strathfield, NSW: St. Pauls, 2007.

Dr Jione Havea - BA, MDiv, MTS, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies: Hebrew Bible & OT

United Theological College & Charles Sturt University

Jione Havea is a native of Tonga, ordained by the Methodist Church of Tonga, but now living in Australia. He received his PhD from Southern Methodist University in 2000, and he is interested in various cultural modes of thinking, reading and behaving, as those relate to, and are driven and coerced by, biblical and popular texts. He likes to congregate with islanders at Parklea Prison, and to enjoy a good laugh with the Fofo‘anga mob over a bowl of kava and a deck of cards.

Jione is on many Australian and international editorial and advisory boards, especially within the Society of Biblical Literature. His current research includes two books, Out of Place: Theology at the Brink (Equinox), and Daughters of the Land (SPCK).

Research interests

Genesis–2 Kings: Storied memories; biblical laws and legal revisions; biblical Hebrew; contemporary approaches to biblical criticism; oceanic cultures and island hermeneutics; feminist and ideological criticisms; postcolonial and crosscultural studies.

Recent Significant Publications:

Books in Tongan

Forthcoming Lōlenga fakamotu. Kalaka, Tongatapu: Nomoa Publishers

2008 Tāsilisili he Tohitapu. Kalaka, Tongatapu: Nomoa Publishers

2007 Tāsilisili mo’o e kau fie-malanga. Kalaka, Tongatapu: Nomoa Publishers

2001 Molomolomuiva‘e: Tu‘a‘ofa ki he ngalu. Ko e okooko ‘a Sione ‘Amanaki Havea. Nuku‘alofa, Tonga: Nomoa Publishers

Recent Publications in English

2010 “Local lectionary sites.” In Anita Monro and Stephen Burns (eds), Christian Worship in Australia (forthcoming)

2010 “Women of the land: from exodus to defilement.” In R. Magdalene (ed), All the Women Went Out After Her: A Retrospective of Feminist Hermeneutics of the Hebrew Bible. Sheffield: Phoenix (forthcoming)

2010 “Drifting homes.” In Roland Boer and Fernando Segovia (eds), The future of the biblical past. Semeia Studies. Atlanta: SBL (forthcoming)

2010 “David w[e]aves.” In Claudia Camp (ed), David for David. T & T Clark (forthcoming)

2009 “Lazarus troubles.” In Ken Stone and Holly Toensing (eds.), Bible Trouble: Queer reading at the Boundaries of Biblical Scholarship. Atlanta: SBL (forthcoming)

2009 “Pasifika secrets.” In Fumitaka Matsuoka, Heup Young Kim and Anri Morimoto (eds.), Christianity at crossroads: Seeking Asian and Oceanic Identities from a Theological Perspective (forthcoming)

2009 “Release Esau from Obadiah’s vision!” In Pablo R. Andiňach and Alejandro F. Botta (eds.), Liberation Hermeneutics. Semeia Studies. Atlanta: SBL (forthcoming)

2009 “Rising sea, drifting bones, disintegrating islands.” In Norman Habel and Peter Trudinger (eds), Water: A Matter of Life and Death. Adelaide: ATF (forthcoming)

2009 “Biblical Interpretation in Oceania.” In Daniel Patte (ed), Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)

2009 “Kenites,” “Ishbaal” and “Shamgar.” In Katharine Doob Sakenfeld (ed), New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Nashville: Abingdon (forthcoming)

2008 “Who is strange(r)? A Pacific native muses over mission.” JTCA: The Journal of Theologies and Cultures in Asia. 7 & 8: 121-37

2008 “Telling as if a local: Toward homing the bible outside western [main]streams.” Joskiran: Journal of Religion and Thought 5.1: 80-95

2008 “‘Unu‘unu ki he loloto, shuffle over into the deep, into island-spaced reading.” Pp. 88-97 in R.S. Sugirtharajah (ed), Still at the margins: Biblical Scholarship Fifteen Years after Voices from the Margin. New York: T & T Clark

2007 “Is there a home for the bible in the postmodern world?” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 42.4 (Fall): 547-559

2007 “Pleasure and grief, in violence.” Pp. 71-84 in Jonathan Inkpin (ed), Religion and Violence. Adelaide: ATF

2007 “The vanua is fo‘ohake [the land is lying on its back].” Pp. 49-54 in Jennifer Webb and Kavita Nandan (eds.), Writing the Pacific. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Writing Forum & University of the South Pacific

2007 “Mission of shalom and rations: 1 Sam 25:2-42.” Insaka (Mar 2007): 4

2006 “Whoring Dinah: Poly-nesian-reading Genesis 34.” Pp. 172-84 in Wesley J. Bergen and Armin Siedlecki (eds.), Voyages in Uncharted Waters: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Biblical Interpretation in Honor of David Jobling. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix

2006 “Reading the bible across cultures: The bible in multiple cultures.” Pp. 266-77 in Helen Richmond and Myong Duk Yang (eds.), Crossing Borders: Shaping Faith, Ministry and Identity in Multicultural Australia. Sydney: UCA Assembly & NSW Board of Mission

Professor Otele Sili Perelini - BD Distinction (PTC), STM (Yale), MPhil (St Andrews), PhD (Edinburgh

Principal of Malua Theological College, Samoa

Ordained Minister of the Congregational Christian Church Samoa

Professor of New Testament Studies and Lecturer in Christian Ministry

Dr Amaamalele Tofaeono Siolo II - PhD

Tutor in Systematic Theology

Trinity Methodist Theological College, Auckland, New Zealand

Research Interests:

Recent Publications:

Books, Dissertation and Major Reports:

2005 A Consultancy Report on Oceanic Contextual Theology of Sub-regional Theology Workshops, South Pacific Association of Theological School (SPATS), Suva, Fiji.

2002 An Ecological Theology of Moana - Oceans. Centre for Natural Science and Theology (CTNS), University of California at Berkeley

2000 Eco-Theology: Aiga - The Household of Life: A Perspective from Living Myths and Traditions of Samoa (Oceania).

Erlangen: Erlanger Verlag für Mission und Ökumene, 2000. (Also published on-line; see Augustana Hochschule’s website)

Articles and Thesis:

2007 ‘Cosmic Mystery at the Heart of Religions,’ See, Touchstones, July, Methodist Church of New Zealand Newsletter.

2006 ‘Leadership from a Christian Perspective – Being Prophetic in the Fiji National General Election,’ See, Fiji Sun, 12 April, 2006.

2005 "Behold, the Pig of God: Mystery of Christ’s Sacrifice in the Context of Melanesia." Pacific Journal of Theology, Series II No. 33

2003 "Toe Fafauina o Mataupu Silisili mo le Galuega a le Ekalesia i Am. Samoa" Lamepa (publication of Seattle Synod: Congregational Christian Church in Am. Samoa)

"Dialogue of Natural Science and Religion in Post-modernity" Pacific Journal of Theology, Series II No. 29

2002 "From Passion to a Compassionate Mission" Pacific Journal of Theology, Series II No. 27

1999 "Scheint wie ein Sonnenstrahl kurz vor dem Niedergang" (transl: Bright like sunshine before sunset). Sonntagsblatt, Germany

1995 “Small is Beautiful.” Augis, Augustana Theologische-Hochschule, Germany

1993 “Towards a Theology of Creation,” Pacific Theological College, BD Thesis, Suva, Fiji

Reviews and Editorials:

2003 Tama’ita’i Samoa (Samoan Women), Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji

2002 Revealing and Earth Healing: Ecology and Christian Theology, Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2001.

“Editorial - Contextual Theology,” Pacific Journal of Theology, Series II No. 27

2001 Fala o Futa or Ie Toga: The Fine Mat. (Editor), Tugalua Publisher, Wellington, NZ