OBSA 2011

"Empire, Migration and Oceanic Biblical Interpretation"

Malua Theological College

Congregational Christian Church of Samoa

Apia, Samoa, 1-2 July 2011

The Oceania Biblical Studies Association (OBSA) is a gathering for biblical scholars who are interested in studying the Bible in the light of Oceania’s rich and diverse cultures and contexts. With its first gathering in 2010 in Auckland, New Zealand, OBSA aims at promoting Oceanic biblical scholarship by encouraging biblical scholars from Oceania to gather and share research and insights on how to read and interpret the bible from an Oceanic standpoint. The theme of the 2010 Auckland gathering was “Climate Change in Oceania: Biblical and Theological Responses.” The 2011 gathering will be at Malua Theological College (of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa), Apia, Samoa, on the 1st-2nd July.

OBSA 2011 on Society of Biblical Literature's calendar of events: http://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/events.aspx