PC World plugs Mesh Networks, Wireless Conference, and WasabiNet!
Post date: Jun 18, 2010 4:15:30 PM
Why I'd Choose St. Louis for Google's Gigabit Fiber Project
by Phil Shapiro
"The economics of mesh networks is fascinating and holds out the promise of bringing basic Internet connectivity to all residents of a neighborhood at a minimal cost – and for some residents, at no cost. When I heard about Google's plans to bring gigabit fiber-optic Internet to a given number of communities in the United States, I started monitoring which communities had existing plans to roll out mesh networks. Such networks are often grassroots projects, organized by tech-savvy community activists. One of the most interesting of these is WasabiNet, organized by some good people in St. Louis. A quick perusal of this project's Website reveals that this project is for real and has been well thought out."