Scratch 8

Today is International Coffee Day

Create a picture of a cup of coffee in Microsoft Paint

Subject:  Coffee

the sprite say "Have a nice day"

Scratch Assignment 8

Delete the cat sprite.  Go to the man with the hair to pick a new sprite.  Pick the "Ghost 2" Sprite  Go to "Events" and drag the "when space key is pressed" piece and move it to the right.  Go to "Control"    and pick the "create clone of myself" piece and move it under "when space key is pressed"  Click on the forever loop and put it under "create clone of myself."  Click on "Motion" and drag "move 10 steps" and put it in "forever loop"  Click on the green flag then press the space bar.  Ghosts should move across the screen.  email me a screen print of the completed program

Subject:  Scratch 8