Career Assignment


Email me a career area you are interested in.

Click on this link for suggestions:

Subject:  I am interested in [enter career]

Assignment for Wednesday

Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, is one of many advocates of computer science education in our country. Educators, technology experts, business leaders, and celebrities support a new movement with a clear purpose: to teach students to read and write code. “Coding is the new literacy”. To thrive in tomorrow’s society, young people must learn to design, create and express themselves with digital technologies,” says Mitchel Resnick, a media arts and sciences professor at the MIT Media Lab.

MIT created Scratch Programming, which you have used in this class.

You need to get in groups of three and discuss the following:

Do you believe you will use computer skills in your career?

Why or why not?

Send me an email

Subject:  Using Computer Programming in my Career

Everyone on the team must send me an email.

Go to    Login according to the following rules:  

First Period username = computerfirst 

Second Period username = computersecond 

Third Period username = computerthird   

7th Period username = computerseventh

8th Period username = computereighth   

Your password is your ID.  Once you are logged on, look on the right hand side and there is  

a link to online quizzes.  It says:  See all assigned online quizzes.  Click on the link.