Scratch 11

Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945

In what country was he born?

Subject:  Country

Scratch 11

Moving Car

First delete the cat sprite by right clicking.

Now go to the guy with the hair and add a new sprite called “Convertible”.

Move the car to the bottom left.

Pick a new background called “night city with street”

Now go to “Events” and drag “when green flag pressed”

Now go to “Control” and drag a “repeat 10” loop and place it under that.

Then go to “Motion” and drag “move 10 steps” and place that in the repeat loop.

Now go to “Events” and drag “when space key pressed” to right and not connecting to anything.

Go to “Motion” and drag “move 10 steps” and place it under “when space key pressed”

Change the number to say -10.

Press green flag and the car should move and when you press space the car should reverse.

Title it with your first and last name 11.

send it to

Subject: Scratch 11

Send me a screen print of the completed project.

If you forgot how to print a screen the link below includes the instructions: