08.) Papercraft Object: Final Revision

Post date: Mar 04, 2020 8:27:54 AM




Papercraft Object: Final Revision

Wed, Mar 4

Monday, Mar 16 @ 11:59am (noon!)

Monday, March 23 @ 11:59am (noon!)

Assignment Description:

You have created a prototype paper model of a significant object from your life (i.e. a prized possession, an object that somehow represents you, an object or form that has impacted/inspired you, or even an object from your childhood.) Now, it is time to discuss, revise, and finalize your design and final paper creation.

Create a final paper prototype of your model. Revise your template (as needed), rethink your design, and add details.

We will make use of the laser cutter for the final revision(s) of your design.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a laser-cuttable template of your unfolded object.

2.) Take into account feedback from our in-progress critique. Pay attention to details!

3.) Laser cut your design in paper and/or cardstock. Make use of various paper types and colors as needed.

4.) If you wish, components can be cut and/or scored by hand, but everything must be modeled in Rhino as a template.

5.) Fold and glue your laser-cut template into it's 3D form.

6.) Create a new post on your process blog, and document this assignment with photos, each with a brief description.

7.) Along with photos, include at least two Rhino renderings of your object, and one image of your print template.

8.) Include, also, your consideration of peer feedback from our in-progress critique.

9.) Bring your object with you to class! (If you need to, put it in a box so it doesn't get squished!!)

10.) Your model will be assessed on design, craft and attention to detail.

11.) This blog post will count as two.

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Samples of outstanding work from previous semesters:


