03.) Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Post date: Jan 22, 2020 1:51:48 PM




Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Wed, Jan 22

Tues, Jan 28 @ 11:59pm (noon!)

Assignment Description:

Now that we have generated a multitude of concepts for our Thingiverse Mashup, it is time to select and refine our most successful creation.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) With your colleagues' feedback in mind (from today's p2p critique session), select one of the concepts you generated to take forward toward the final design for this project. You may also decide to revise a concept completely, or to combine multiple concepts.

2.) Using Mesh Mixer in combination with Tinkercad, refine your design - pay attention to detail and strive to create a seamless, well-integrated object.

3.) Create a new post on your process blog, introducing your object.

4.) Include, in your post:

a.) Screenshots of the original objects (from thingiverse or scans)

b.) At least 4 (four) screenshots showing your refined object from various perspectives.

5.) Include a response to the feedback you collected during our speed dating sessions (1-2 paragraphs) - and how they did or did not influence your selection and final design.

6.) Finally, include, in your post, describe how your creation relates to Remix Culture (1-2 paragraphs) . Consider concepts such as:

a.) Remix - appropriating existing objects

b.) Read/Write Culture - A society that encourages remix

b.) Mashup - combining separate existing ideas to form a new one

c.) Juxtaposition - what relationship is created by merging these two objects/ideas together?

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See examples of similar projects from previous semesters:


