02.) Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation

Post date: Jan 15, 2020 6:10:53 PM




Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation

Wednesday, Jan 15

Tuesday, Jan 21

@ noon (12:00pm!)

Assignment Description:

As a continuation of our investigation into the role of the remixed object, we will be creating out very own mashup of two (or more!) objects found on Thingiverse.com and/or digitized via our 3D Scanner. But first, let's take time to generate concepts. By brainstorming and creating multiple concepts for this assignment, we gain practice with these tools, whist increasing our likelihood of landing on a rich and potent concept for this project.

Create a new post on your process blog that illustrates ten or more concepts for thingiverse mashups,

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using Tinkercad, generate a minimum of 10 concepts for your Thingiverse Mashup.

2.) Each concept should include at least two 3D components sourced from thingiverse.com (or other similar platforms)

3.) Create a new post on your process blog, and include a screenshot of each concept (for a minimum total of 10.)

4.) Along with each screenshot, include a brief description of why you chose the two objects, and the relationship created or idea implied by combining them.

a.) Choose your objects wisely!

b.) Be sure to include a hyperlink for each object you use (in addition to proper attribution this will make it easier for you to find these objects again later on!)

5.) Include a title, and an introduction that explains your understanding of Remix Culture.

*NOTE* Limit ONE (1) "Creature" creation per student!! See instructor for more information.

Complete this assignment by 12:00PM (noon!) on Tuesday, Jan 21st.

See examples from previous semesters:




Examples of artists/art works working in Mashup, Remix, and Juxtaposition:

Photography by Stephen McMennan:


Assemblages by Debra Broz:


Sculptures by Kendal Murray


Illustrations by Brandon Bird:


Universal Construction Kit by Golan Levin:


Thingiverse Mashup Bot:


Sculpture and Installations by Damien Hurst:


Sculptures by Genesis Belanger:


Mixed Media Installations by Sydney Shen:
