06.) Papercraft Objects: Digital Samples

Post date: Feb 12, 2020 3:8:54 PM




Papercraft Objects: Digital Samples

Wednesday, Feb 12th

Tuesday, Feb 25th @ 11:59am (noon!)

Assignment Description:

We will be using paper as a sculptural medium to re-create significant objects from our lives. For example, this could be a prized possession, an object that somehow represents you, an object or form that has impacted/inspired you, or even an object from your childhood.

As we research toward our papercraft object project, we will continue exploring new digital tools for design. Using Rhinoceros 5.0, create faceted forms that can be unfolded into flat templates. Both as practice, and as a form of sketching ideas in 3D, create a minimum of 10 unique forms both in 3D, and unfolded into flat paper templates.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In Rhino, create faceted forms that are made of planar surfaces. Utilize functions such as ExtrudeCrv, Loft, Cap, and PlanarSrf.

2.) As demonstrated in class, use the explode function to break each form into surfaces, and rotate3D function to unfold them.

3.) If desired, forms may be made up of more than one folded pattern, i.e. the "camera" sample shown above.

4.) Each student is responsible for a minimum of 10 forms - each with a folded and unfolded version.

5.) Create a new blog post, and briefly introduce the project.

6.) Include a screen shot of each form - the folded form next to the unfolded.

7.) With each form, a brief explanation of what the object represents / why you chose it.

8.) ***Remember to bring your paper supplies with you to next class!

(exacto knife, cutting mat, straight edge, glue)

9.) select ONE of your unfolded forms, make2D, add tabs, and PRINT on cardstock for next week as well

Some Inspirational images: