04.) Mesh Mashup: HD Renders (Milestone Project 1)

Post date: Jan 29, 2020 4:53:5 AM




Mesh Mashup: HD Renders

Wed, Jan 29

Wed, Feb 4 @ class start

Assignment Description:

To wrap up Project One: Mesh Mashup, we will create HD renders of our creations in Rhinoceros.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Assign materials to each component of your model

2.) Add a ground plane to the scene (if appropriate)

3.) Add lighting to the scene (at least one render must utilize "custom" lighting i.e. point lights)

4.) Change render setting for HD output

a.) set to quality: "good" or "final"

b.) set size to at least 1200 pixels wide or tall

5.) Include, in a blog post, at least 6 HD renders of your project (six different views/perspectives).

Examples from previous semesters:


