Log files.

Developer blog.

Current Data folder stats.

Textures and sprites.

988 .png Images in 18 Folders "reaching 1000 soon"

332 .Ogg Sounds in 17 Folders.

Engine logs

-v004.4.4.3 "new tricks incoming"

Decal rendering implemented detail maps possible now.

Decal textures added and listed.

Overlay call fixed and streamlined.

Basic Main Menu implemented.

Quicker MeM copy algorithm.

Faster QuickSort under implementation.

Fixed object collisions and basic frame animations.

Adding particle pins" blood, gore, sparks, smoke, gas, snow, rain, hell storm, fire, dust, mist"

B layer modifications to flood draw for 'spacial effects'

-v. "bugs bugs"

Basic Ai structure forming.

Path finding works.

ON action script list partially implamented.

More bloody objects added!!

Overlay textures such as "blood, flats, glass.. ect" can now be called on draw instead of needing a object.

^^ more free objects, more speed, less render overhead..

Z fixed bug fixed, "10% to 20% speed gained" "no more false draw calls, less wasted cycles"


-fix animation

add "frob" code

Post screen hyper buffer now using gpu MEM

^^great for manipulating the onscreen contents in layers while doing other stuff too.


New version format 1X.2X.3X.4X 1graphics, 2game, 3network, 4sound

Map size increased vastly

Map Divided into Sectors.

Sector handler implemented.

Item Object list updated.

Various optimizations done.

Basic Ai structure beginning.


Back buffer mods added

Animation, Sprite Check and new Table added.

33% Speed Gained


New Faster Tables Built

New Tables Implemented.


Lighting Fixed

Speed Gained


Sky fixed.

Weapons overlay loading done.


Weapons overlay and animation.


Jumping and crouching.

Auto slide cover system.

-v0.001 - major rev of all code

Strafe added

Further binding of controls implamented. ^_^

Col events are now used with sprites. "bump... bounce" energy must go somewhere XD


Layered Parallaxing sky added


map size increased from 16x16 to 128x128

Spite Animation code added.


Wall shading added

32 texture and WLL limits dropped.


Controls fixed


Sprites added to wall buffer.


Map drawn


Map and Sorting works.


Camera object created.

Texture memory allocated

Game Resources logs

So after picking apart the following classic works.

Doom 2 "ID"

Descent 1 & 2. "Interplay"

Duke Nukem 3D "3D Realms"


Rise of the Triad "Apogee"






brutaldoom mod

neodoom mod

action doom mod

Taking any fitting or needed sprites or sounds.

I then head off to several sprite websites.

And took droves of unmarked sheets for inspiration.

After that I had to convert.. modify.. resize... clean up and even draw my own sprites, menu's effects ect...