About this site

HI my name is Luenardi De Polo

Born 06 / 11 / 1983.

Over the years I spent a lot of time programming in many languages, and tinkering with electronics with much of my spare time.

These are just some of the old toys and electronics I modded over the ages.

I setup the site as my personal development blog and portfolio.

Please do enjoy your visit.

I chose the name Vrtronics as the site name many years a go.

Vrtronics has moved many times but has a safe home here on google now.

I am deeply passionate about technology and I love how the world interfaces and builds new way to

live, learn, grow and evolve thru technological advancement.

When i was a kid i was quickly attracted to electronics.

At the age of 8 I got a Nes entertainment system for my birthday.

It seemed like someone put a magic box in front of me.

Soon later that family invested in a Family computer.

Immediately I was attracted to it.

At the age of 10 the family pc became mine after if suffered a drive failure.

66MHz intel, 8MB ram, 250MB HDD, sound blaster pro/ess midi isa card.

"I have never enjoyed electronics more"

My father upgraded to a 166MHz, 16 MB Beast

I soon began to notice where I grew up in Johannes Burg the whole street was full of math teachers, scientists, physicists, engineers, the list goes on and on.

I did favors around the area helping clear garages, cut grass

In return some of these great minds I met with were pouring knowledge into me.

Some of them donated their old hardware to me.

By the age of 12

I had used and owned a Apple 2e, a 2nd generation Macintosh and a upgraded Spectrum ZX81.

I soon began to learn to code in Qbasic 4.5

Later GML and a few other languages and so on.

Over the years my family has forever been fond of sci-fi, fantasy films and I became a fan of these films too.

-well that it for now. you get the idea that a was born a geek. :)