Your Contribution

If you read our page about the IT activities, you will understand that providing us with more laptops is very helpful for us. Providing a student that is very interested in IT with a computer will be the biggest present that you could make.

I try to manage that every student gets maximum benefits from our IT resources.

Now there are more than 300 students with us and we do not have enough computers at our I.T room as well... First we have to equipped with ourselves

If I say something about our past, I remember that two of our students won brand new laptops when they were very young.

Srimal, he got a brand new laptop from Dr Gamini Premadas. Now he is a web programmer working abroad. ( )

Chamath, he got a brand new laptop from Mr Jude from Australia. Now he is a software engineer. ( )

Please read this paper article,,,

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

Some volunteers give some money or buy some goods for their home-stay families to say thank you, but the people of our village don't expect it.

Giving a second hand laptop to a kid is a great help.