

Eureka Finished

Autonomous, ultra Low Power visual Sensors for surveillance and monitoring



Start Date > 01-Apr-2011 

End date > 01-Oct-2012

Duration > 18 Months

Actual cost > 0.65 M€


The objective of this project is to develop a new kind of visual sensor: complex enough to sense and describe the visual world it observes - yet enjoys the characteristics of simple (e.g. temperature) sensors: ultra-low power consumption, easy connect ability, and a small, unobtrusive form-factor. The proposed vision system is based on a custom CMOS ultra low-power vision sensor, partially embedding a reliable algorithm for people detection and monitoring in the analog stage of the pixel; a low power sensor interface allowing the sensor to live for at least 5 months- with a minimum energy-budget, powered with a tiny battery or a super capacitor, which can be recharged by a 1 cm2 solar-cell; a high-level computing platform which is turned on only when necessary, triggered by the sensor as soon as it detects a potential alert situation. The project will exploit the successful results of its predecessor project BOViS (A Battery Operated Vision System for Wireless Applications) in which Emza and FBK collaborated within the Italy-Israel R&D Cooperation Program 2009. In BOViS, we proved the theoretical concept by developing a prototype vision system, based on FBK pixel design and implementing Emza’s low-level outdoor algorithm in the analog stage of the pixel, adapted to the hardware constraints. The prototype is capable of detecting simple alert situations. It can operate for about 5 months powered with a 150uW Li Po battery. 



DIEI - Universita degli Studi di PErugia // Electronics and Information Engineering Department

Fondazione Bruno Kessler

EMZA Visual Sense 
