


From 2009-06-01 

Duration:  46 months

Total cost:  EUR 4 478 990

EU Contribution: EUR 3 229 034

Abstract :

Today's surveillance operators often face the challenge of watching the imagery from literally hundreds of surveillance cameras. Naturally, each operator is able to watch the imagery from only one or a few cameras at a time, making it highly likely that incidents pass unnoticed, or are noticed too late. Moreover, to watch and analyze all these videos, where typically nothing interesting happens, is mentally demanding, and can of course also be pretty boring. A human operator is thus unable to keep focus for long periods of time, and needs some automated support. 


The ADABTS project will try to explore the possibilities for such automated operator support. The intention is that the system should simply throw away the vast amount of imagery that definitely contains nothing interesting, which in most contexts should be more than 99% of the data. The operator then needs to watch only the videos where something interesting might be going on. 


Thus, the ADABTS will try to develop methods that can distinguish between "maybe interesting" and "not interesting" imagery. What does then "interesting" mean? We will return to that below. 


These methods will naturally rely on advanced signal processing algorithms, used for analysing sensor data from various surveillance sensors, primarily video cameras and microphones. In order to enable such algorithms to be executed without the need of expensive supercomputers, the ADABTS project will also study how these algorithms should be adapted to hardware architectures whose development are driven by the gaming industry, i.e., modern graphic cards. Such hardware has tremendous computing power, is quite affordable, and represents a huge potential for this kind of quite massive media computing.



TotalforsvaretsForskningsinstitut (FOI)                                                                                             SWEDEN


BAESystems                                                                                                                                        UNITED KINGDOM 

DetecA/S                                                                                                                                             NORWAY

HomeOffice Scientific Development Branch                                                                        UNITED KINGDOM 

Instituteof Psychology – Ministry of the Interior                                                                              BULGARIA 

SINTEF                                                                                                                                      NORWAY

TNO                                                                                                                           NETHERLANDS

University of Amsterdam                                                                                              NETHERLANDS