On this page we will try and put snippets of information ,help and stories about areas close to the New Road and Surrounding areas

Watch this space for more stories and items of interest Your new Councillors Surgeries start in July 2011

There will be a Councillors Surgery Saturday the 14th April and possibly every second Saturday of the month thereafter at vipra at St Hilda's Mission Slater Street Latchford between 11am and 12 pm .

Vipra sends thanks to Cllr Maureen McLaughlin for securing a number of new litter bins for the Latchford West area and good to see one placed on the corner of St Mary Street and Knutsford road as litter is a problem here .

Saturday 13th of April 2013 was a litter pick day and areas including new road were cleared by volounteers and your local councillors. Another one is being planned and all are most welcome to come along and help us take pride in our area. on behalf of Vipra Ken and stephen would like to extend our thanks for all the volunteers who helped Vipra to get this on . And thanks too to Phil Ramsden and the Love Where You Live team for providing the signs and the litter pickers etc.

Earlier this year 2014 Golden Gates Housing trust had been in talks with local Councillor Maureen McLaughlin regarding green fencing protecting the grass verges near the flats . These are now in place some in New Road, Pear tree Place an along Knutsford Road. This is an improvement that hopefully will reduce litter and dog fouling. . . . . . . .