Welcome To Victoria Park Residents Association (VIPRA)
Stephen Price Ken Wormald At StHilda's Mission
659573 654835 Slater St Latchford
07984088666 07943589007
Please note that currently Vipra does not have an office based at St Hilda's mission
therefore if you wish to contact us by e mail please send an E mail to Stephen or Ken
steveprice35@outlook.com or kenvipra@outlook.com
Thank You
Welcome to Victoria Park Residents Association Latchford Warrington website here you will find information about us and details of meetings and events .
Vipra held a local litter pick on the 24th of June last year and hopefully we can hold another but we need extra volunteers to help. Please remember Vipra community meetings are not councillors surgeries if you have questions for them please contact them directly. Our bike club still have meetings and have held evening rides . see the other links for more information on bike rides . Vipra community meetings my revert back to Tuesday evenings for future meetings - watch this space and look out for posters in local shops etc.
The bike club has kept running throughout and still have the occasional Sunday rides now that it is dark nights. Vipra will host another community meeting When a suitable date is selected. Please bear with us whilst arrangements are being made see the posters below for details. Also to remember that Vipra does not now host an evening for credit Union collections on Thursday evenings . Please try the nearest collection points are Dolan and Kirk community House Nora Street Howley Warrington Wednesdays from 9.30am and Warrington Town football Club Loushers Lane ( Fridays from 2.30pm ) Please check at these establishments for the times listed here in case they have changed. We are sorry for any inconvenience Thank You . If you can help with a street clean ups contact us here or via the posters that appear locally.
Some of Vipra's recent activity and charity events hosted by friends of Vipra
Some of the bags cleared from local streets towards Oldham St, Slater St, Clifton St. New rd. Also our Thanks to Chris at WBC for helping to clear the backs of Slater St - this was a result of consultations at a Vipra Community meeting . . . . . . .
Another way you can help to protect our environment
The leaflets above are a way to help the local Warrington Climate Emergency Strategy
Please note due to changed circumstances at St Hilda's Mission Vipra can no longer offer simple computer classes and unfortunately we have had to cancel them we are sorry for any inconvenience
but thank you to those who have attended previously and made them a success thank you !
Use the information on these cards to report a problem
Thank You
Below is an extra source of help
in our local area
for anyone experiencing problems
please contact them directly