Client Info Form

Tracy Deagan and Associates Psychotherapy/ Violet Crown Counseling

Client Information

Name _________________________________ Date ___________________________

Email _________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________ Phone# ____________ Apt#: _______________

City ______________________ State _______________ Zip ____________________

Employer ____________________ Employer Phone# __________________________

Can we call at home? ______________ at work ? ______________________________

May we email you? ______________________________________________________

Birth Date _______________________ Age __________________________________

Single? ____ Partnered ? ____ Married ?___ Other?(please name) ________________

If current relationship , date this relationship began?


Other family Members in home - name, age, & relationship


Emergency contact person - name, phone, and relationship


Please describe your reason for seeking counseling now. Have you been in counseling before?

Please indicate if you are now or have been in a relationship with abuse or neglect, as giver or reciever

Please tell us your primary care doctor and the medications you are currently on / substances you currently use


Who may we thank for this referral ?


Do you presently use doctor prescribed medication ? if so list name, dosage, and doctor that ordered


Do you have any significant health problems? describe :


Do you feel in crisis at present?


Please describe any past or present thoughts, attempts, or plans to hurt yourself or someone else




Is there anything else we need to know to serve you better?
