Chuckus Switched Power Kit
Chuckus Switched Power Kit
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This simple kit allows you to add switched 12VDC accessories to your Chuckus without cutting or tapping into the thin ignition wires. This kit will also work for most Chinese scooters with 4-pin ignition plugs. If you are unsure whether it will work for your scooter, send me an email before ordering.
If your scooter powers the running light circuit on the tail light directly from the stator (running light doesn't come on until the engine starts), this kit is a great way to power an aftermarket LED tail light. You will need to run a new wire from the Wago connector to the tail light, but it will last way longer and won't flicker at idle.
Click on any image to make it larger.
To install the kit, the only tools you will need are a multimeter (or 12V test light) and a small flat blade screwdriver.
As long as the main plug coming from your ignition switch looks like the connector in the photo below, you should be good to go.
Start by confirming that the solid black wire on the ignition switch plug has 12VDC when the key is in the ON position and no voltage when the key is in the OFF position.
If that tests out okay, turn the ignition OFF and disconnect the negative lead from your battery to make the wiring safe to work on.
Unplug the 4 circuit plug that comes from the ignition switch (if you haven't already done so) and look inside at the locking male terminals.
Take a small flat blade screwdriver and press down on the locking tab of the terminal on the black wire.
Once the tab is pressed down, pull the terminal and wire out the back side of the housing.
Bend the locking tab back up a little bit to allow it to latch firmly and slide the terminal into the provided single male housing until it clicks into place.
Push the female terminal on the new jumper kit onto the tab inside the male housing.
Once that's done, push the male terminal into the stock ignition plug until it locks in place. To add extra strain relief for the new wiring, install a cable tie or a couple wraps of electrical tape around the wires between the base of the new connector plug and the stock ignition plug (right where my index finger is touching in the photo below).
Click the stock ignition plug back together and the assembly is complete. Peel the covering off the heavy duty mounting tape on the back side of the Wago connectors and stick them someplace that is easy to access, but not in the way.
To add switched accessories like LED lights, strip back about 10mm (3/8") of insulation from the positive wire. Lift one of the orange levers on the Wago connector, insert the wire and lower the lever. If the wire is really thin, strip back twice as much insulation, double the wire over and twist it before inserting it into the connector.
Once the wire is in the Wago connector and the lever has been lowered, give the wire a gentle tug to make sure it is nice and secure.
Due to popular demand, the Switched 12VDC kit now includes a ground wire with a 5-circuit Wago connector. To install the green ground wire, remove the bolt from the negative battery terminal, slip the ring terminal over the bolt and reinstall to make grounding your accessories simple
This kit is designed for 60W (5A) or less total power, so don't use it to install high power accessories like an amplifier or high output lights. The supplied 5A fuse must NOT be replaced with a larger fuse or serious damage to your wiring harness WILL occur.
If you have any questions about the installation of this kit, please be sure to contact me before purchasing. The wiring on your scooter needs to be tested with a volt/Ohm multimeter or 12V test light before installation. If you don't have access to these tools, please don't risk damaging your scooter by installing this kit.