Information / Policies

 The nature of the class requires that you carefully manage your time. Although none of the required work is lengthy, the work is frequent and you will not be able to get behind and hope to do well in the course. For this reason read all of the following policies carefully.

Handy Links Not Part of the Syllabus


Attendance / Behavior as a Consultant

If you stand up a writer at the Center, even once, you've jeopardized your chances for working with the program later. You must be present for your slot at the Writing Center or give enough warning to me and your partner so everyone knows (48 hours, minimum).

Required Materials

Late work

Contact me if you are late with work. Repeated late work will lower your grade, missing work will lower it more.


We all hate getting or giving them, but this system has garnered few complaints and very little grade-lawyering by my students. Keep up with reading always and you'll stand a better chance at a good mark. 

I'll provide numerical grades for each but the final course grade gets tallied as follows: